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I used to put like, 'Yo Gotti type beats,' 'Future type beats' on YouTube. And uhh, I started getting paid off YouTube. Like YouTube started giving me Google AdSense checks.
YouTube and other sites will bring together all the diverse media which matters to you, from videos of family and friends to news, music, sports, cooking and much, much more.
If I have one technology tip of the day, it's this: No matter how good the video on YouTube is, don't read the comments, just don't, because it will make you hate all humans.
As an industry, YouTube and digital content have a huge upside to creation and virally reach fans, and there's a multi-billion dollar business of advertising attached to that.
I definitely have to censor myself a lot of the time because I'm used to just being a loose cannon, and I'm used to doing and saying whatever I want because I work on YouTube.
Some comedians will tour and do these classic bits all the time. But now with YouTube and Comedy Central, people see your stuff, and they don't want to hear you do that again.
It's funny, I'd rather be known as a writer who crafted a really nice piece about women's friendships over time. But that doesn't roll off the tongue like 'YouTube sensation.'
YouTube is amazing because you really don't have to wait for anyone to showcase your work. Social media in general is like that. People can connect with it all over the world.
When I was, like, 16 or 17, I was just finding out about this YouTube thing. Then I saved a bit and asked my parents for some help to get the recording software and equipment.
When I've stopped doing workouts and YouTube videos, I want this content that I've created to be used in schools all around the world. This is what I want to be remembered for.
It makes me feel so amazing to know there's people out here that support me and follow me on Twitter and watch my shows on YouTube and come to my concert, so I'm very thankful.
Possibly the only genre that efficiently converted from TV to YouTube / Vine is sketch comedy, which has always had more to do with the skills of its creators than its budgets.
I don't know why, but there's something about YouTube that just makes it so awesome. You can go on there and find anything. There are actually really talented people on YouTube.
A user who essentially costs YouTube money has very little say. The way to have a say is to concretely support the creators and channels you watch directly by giving them money.
I did everything to break in. I even recorded covers of Alicia Keys and Lauryn Hill, and put them on Youtube in the hopes that Drake would discover me like he did Justin Bieber.
If I want to know how to do a black cat eye, I don't drive to a department store. I'll go on YouTube, cross-check reviews of a product, and then maybe talk about it on Instagram.
Comedy was something I picked up trying to perfect my art through spoken word. I got on YouTube just to show off my poetry, and then people thought I was funny, so I ran with it.
With Net Neutrality, the level playing field that gave us Google, YouTube and eBay when they were start-ups would suddenly start to tilt in favor of the big, established players.
If people want to watch music videos you can go to Youtube. But it would be great if there was still music on TV that people could check out and be visually excited by an artist.
I think the Internet has developed at this incredibly rapid pace because of net neutrality, because of the free nature of it, because a YouTube can start the way YouTube started.
YouTube does a better job of monetizing for the creators. Like, that is the home for me as a creator where, not only can my content be seen, consumed, digested, but also they pay.
When I started my YouTube channel in 2010, I never imagined that one day it would be the most subscribed channel in the world and that I would be a part of such a great community.
I make YouTube viral videos all the time, and I made a video called 'Beauty and the Beat,' And as a strange, wacky coincidence, Justin Bieber dropped the song 'Beauty and a Beat.'
If anything, being a female has afforded me opportunities on YouTube that I necessarily didn't have in doing traditional comedy and auditioning in TV and film and that whole world.
I do a lot of video games - I have a YouTube channel where I record me playing video games with my friends and post it. That's a hobby I have and a lot of what I do in my off time.
Before I was working professionally, I would do YouTube covers. But as a creative person, it was really hard for me when I wasn't releasing my own music. That felt unnatural to me.
I have 60-plus videos on YouTube and over 30 million views. Of those 60, only three or four are branded videos. I built that audience by telling stories the way I like to tell them.
There are some sites that pay, but access to them is quite limited. And a very small chunk of the population uses the Internet. So, a director goes on YouTube only for better reach.
To me, what's really an important difference between traditional entertainment and digital - on YouTube specifically - is that people thrive when they're authentic about themselves.
I have never read a review for anything I have ever done, be it for theater or movies, just because. I am really good about that. And YouTube comments. People will hide behind that.
With technology being the way that it is right now with Pro Tools and all that other stuff, more and more people are recording stuff at home and just utilizing Youtube and Facebook.
I make and watch and think about YouTube for a living. So, when YouTube is launching a new feature I might have any emotion ranging from Christmas-morning enthusiasm to utter terror.
There's a really geeky YouTube channel which I love. It's a guy called Oliver Harper. He makes documentaries about films. He's a real movie buff - there's loads of trivia and detail.
On my YouTube channel, I put up 3-4 videos a week, and I spend a lot of money to maintain that content. When I travel, I travel with a videographer and a photographer no matter what.
I love watching other beauty girls on YouTube, so I get a lot of ideas through their videos. I also get plenty of requests from viewers, which is great. I can never run out of ideas!
I love making YouTube videos. I love Tumblr, I love Twitter. I love talking with people I find interesting about stuff I find interesting, and the Internet is a great way to do that.
I'm having a lot of fun playing myself out there on YouTube and showing who I am and getting to do projects that make me happy versus satisfy what people think a girl should be doing.
My YouTube videos have literally millions of views... Yet I'm still airbrushed out of the BBC Stalinist revision of history; the chart shows have been instructed not to play my music!
My influences are a wide variety: from Dave Chappelle stand-up comedy specials on YouTube, to watching chick-flick comedy movies, to scrolling through stuff people say on the Internet.
You have the right to free speech as an American - you have no right to use YouTube to do it. And the mobs that exist can form very quickly if they are offended by your presence there.
When I first started YouTube, I was using an old computer that I had had in high school that stayed with me through college that was on its last leg. The boot-up was, like, 25 minutes.
I took an acting class with Louise Lasser, Woody Allen's first wife and co-star in many movies. I've done some other indie films, if you look on the YouTube. I love acting - it's great.
For kids growing up now, there's no difference watching 'Avatar' on an iPad or watching YouTube on TV or watching 'Game of Thrones' on their computer. It's all content. It's just story.
A lot of influencers who have made the pivot to publishing, they tend to be ghostwritten, they tend to be younger. It's a little bit of an uphill battle by nature of coming from YouTube.
The one I have the most angst towards would be YouTube. We had an opportunity to invest, and I just got nervous about the media industry's response to the unlicensed content on the site.
I'm going to continue posting on my YouTube, which is youtube.com/nolansotillo. So I mean, if I get signed and come out with an album, it would be just another... that is a goal of mine.
I learn things myself. I call it YouTube University; YouTube has taught me more than anything. I learned how to tie a tie, all my pick-up lines come from YouTube reruns of 'Fresh Prince.'
During college, I collaborated with another YouTuber and musician, Shankar Tucker. He told me, 'You can do music on YouTube and it's a viable way to put out your songs' and it worked out.
In this day and age, though, no matter how many people you play for, if you're playing with a band like Blink, millions of people will see it thanks to YouTube and everything recording it.
For me, YouTube was about creating content because I had an interest in beauty and comedy and wanted to find a way to mix those two things, and I could do it from my home, own my own time.