There's a YouTube video of these two kittens that just fall over and pass out. My blood sugar's crazy, so I would pass out sometimes, like the fainting kittens.

You can't call me a Twitter phenomenon or a YouTube one. These things are useful, but so's hard gigging. One year I did 311 shows. I did six in one night alone.

Hosting and surfacing legacy media content isn't all about YouTube trying to abandon its core, it's about inviting a broader variety of viewers to the platform.

I don't really have time to watch too much, but I like 'Family Guy' and 'Entourage.' I'm also obsessed with the YouTube series 'Balls of Steel.' It's hilarious.

The viewers of video game content on YouTube are young and savvy. They are exactly the sort of people who tend to enthusiastically install ad blocking software.

I started writing music when I was 15 in my bedroom, and I'd post them on MySpace, and from there it shifted to doing covers on YouTube and building my Twitter.

Radio and TV can still push a band, but things need to be shaken up. There is the Internet, but mostly what I see there is little kids on YouTube playing music.

A lot of girls on YouTube want to show their personality, but they are afraid because they think people only want them to do beauty videos. That's just not true.

Those things on the Internet that tell your net worth are wrong for pretty much everyone. When I started YouTube, I was pretty broke and it said $1 million then.

Google+ was, to my mind, all about creating a first-party data connection between Google most important services - search, mail, YouTube, Android/Play, and apps.

Manchester City didn't pay all that money for me because they saw me once on YouTube. They saw me scoring good goals. And I haven't forgotten how to score goals.

I think YouTube has been super instrumental in our success as well, because I think there's something really important about seeing and hearing what we're doing.

Thanks to many great K-pop singers, the groundwork has been laid for more Korean songs to be readily accessible to an overseas audience via channels like YouTube.

Jc and I love our YouTube audience, and we're going to keep producing videos, but we're also really interested in learning what other opportunities are out there.

What I love about YouTube is that you don't need brands to pay you, because you get paid off the views. When I put effort into YouTube, I directly see money back.

What we'd like to think of YouTube as is a part of Google with very overlapping goals and values. We're a fundamental part of the advertising business for Google.

Everybody's got their phone up and everybody's taking recordings and posting it on YouTube and whatever and sending it to you, and it gets shown around the world.

Before 'Pretty Girl' was released, I didn't really talk about my YouTube channel or show anyone. I didn't expect any of my videos to blow up like 'Pretty Girl' did.

I can't even tell you how many 8, 9, 10 year old kids have come up to me and said, 'You are my favorite wrestler, and I've seen you on 'the network' or on YouTube.'

By using the digital platform YouTube, I have been able to build and grow my content-creating business and am proud to call myself a successful female entrepreneur.

I was doing YouTube before YouTube was a thing. I was making videos on my camcorder for my friends. I would do parodies of Britney Spears videos and stuff like that.

When I was in hospital, I recorded a ghost. My fave YouTube channel is Huff Paranormal, which is about a guy who talks to ghosts like he's talking to his neighbours.

When we started making mixtapes, we were just ripping stuff off YouTube and DVDs, naively thinking that because we were putting it up for free, it was gonna be fine.

I actually started making videos in 2004, before YouTube, using a VHS camcorder, but had to take the tape with a cassette to friends' homes so that they could see it.

Look at YouTube, how many talented people there are. It's a whole new world of how to express yourself. I don't know how to work that world, but take advantage of it.

Seeing so many comments on our YouTube channel from people all over the world, even if they don't understand Japanese, made me realize that music has worldwide appeal.

I have a Yamaha YC-45D organ in my studio. It's actually Terry Riley's favorite keyboard, so if you find old clips of him on YouTube, he's usually playing one of these.

If I say, 'Hey, I'm Psy.' 'Psy?' 'The guy from the video on YouTube?' 'Oh.' I hate that. I've got to be more popular than the video. So I need to keep promoting myself.

I got started on YouTube when I was a freshman in college. I was a broadcast journalism major, and I already had a lot of experience with video editing and photography.

In fact, when he interviewed me, I didn't know who the guy was. I didn't find out until later it was Logan Paul, some YouTube guy, which still didn't mean nothing to me.

I grew up watching YouTube and it was tough feeling like everyone I watched had a perfect life. I couldn't help but feel that my life sucked when I watched their videos.

I listen to a lot of Tibetan music before I sleep. I'll just type in 'Tibetan meditation music' on YouTube, and within 15 minutes, it knocks me out. I sleep like a baby.

I was uploading on YouTube and stuff, and they were liking it or whatever. I just kept elevating and elevating. I had little setbacks, but I used them as stepping stones.

I'm not exactly watching my back. Most people, there's a twinkle when they admonish me. And I've watched a lot of footage on YouTube of people's reactions to watching me.

A lot of journalists don't want to conflate their own opinions with those of their employers… With a YouTube video, you can be as personal or as journalistic as you want.

Being a YouTuber, I agree that YouTube's content is much more superior than TikTok. If people say TikTok has cringe content, YouTube also does. But content is subjective.

If you're brave enough to search 'Franchesca Ramsey' on YouTube, you'll find a sea of ranting white dudes pinning the 'angry black woman' stereotype onto my smiling face.

I hate YouTube sometimes because people put up things of mine that were never meant for consumption and also because of some of the comments people write about my videos.

Big labels can buy you radio play, they can buy you social media likes and YouTube views. I don't have any of that, but I'm still getting a Top 3 album and Top 20 singles.

My wife thinks I'm a narcissist, but I just think it's hilarious going on YouTube and seeing these covers. There are so many of them - literally hundreds! It's flattering.

YouTube has proven it can flourish in a model where there is more autonomy, and in that way I think it is an example and a potential model for other areas of the business.

I only tend to use YouTube for learning difficult guitar things or music videos. I tend to just walk around London and take it all in; there are so many fashionable people.

People started noticing my singing on YouTube, and then I came to L.A., and I lived on a studio couch. I wrote songs every single day with whoever I could write songs with.

To my fellow creators, wholeheartedly, I am sorry I brought shame upon the platform. I promise I will do the community well and keep on trucking and bring light to YouTube.

I watch a lot of YouTube makeup tutorials. I also watch a lot of channels where all they do is eat inhumanly huge amounts of food. I'm trash, basically, is what I'm saying.

I don't really follow the rules of like - not traditional, but how everyone does YouTube. And it's kind of made me more cautious and conscious of what I put into my videos.

Brands started calling me out of the blue as I racked up over 5 million views on YouTube. And now I make my living being what they call a 'lifestyle and travel influencer.'

Unfortunately, I think YouTube is going down the route of rewarding the select few around content creation, be it with partnerships or with ways of funding original content.

The 'Neon Demon' is very much designed to be like a YouTube movie. It's designed to be chopped up. You can cut it up into seven or eight pieces and they're, like, vignettes.

The reason I created a YouTube channel was because I can connect on a more personal level and be more detailed, within 10 minutes, of my life and what I do on a daily basis.

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