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Gaming content is exactly what YouTube wants (the videos are long, the audiences are engaged, and thus people stay on the site).
I think YouTube has destroyed the genre barrier. People can be into Justin Bieber and Eminem at the same time. It's a good thing.
I don't really watch TV; YouTube is far more entertaining. But I have tuned in to 'X Factor' - I like trash and nature programmes.
YouTube is a good way to discover new music now because it comes up with that thing at the side with other artists you might like.
My favorite thing to pass the time in the makeup chair is YouTube videos of talking cats. I don't know why, but they make me laugh.
One of my favorite things on YouTube is the famous 1965 debate between James Baldwin and William F. Buckley at Cambridge University.
I'm sure there's some awful video of me singing when I was, like, 13 or 15 at my old school that my dad didn't take down off YouTube.
YouTube is found footage. It's here to stay, and people will always come up with new concepts that will make sense for found footage.
When we started out doing YouTube videos, I think we were very, very early on in terms of people doing a behind-the-scenes component.
The best companies in the world have all had predecessors. 'YouTube' was a dating site. You always have to evolve into something else.
One of my goals is to find an unsigned YouTube artist and feature them on my album. That's what I wished someone would've done for me.
YouTube came out when I was a sophomore in college, and I feel like I was one of the first people to put musical theater stuff online.
I never intended or planned on making a YouTube Channel. I always thought that it was meant for Bollywood movies, trailers, and songs.
The foundation of Roblox is user-generated content: just like on YouTube there is so much to watch, on Roblox there is so much to play.
I started using YouTube when I really wanted to reach out to the world, and I found a group of people who had the same interests as me.
We live in a world where everybody's an expert. Everybody's doing a YouTube video. Everyone's doing a tutorial of what needs to happen.
Some people would say, 'Nah, he's just a YouTube kid.' But I sing, play instruments; I can mix, master, and engineer - all those stuff.
We want to get to a point where anything you can think of finding that is video related is searchable or recommended to you on YouTube.
YouTube is the most popular video service in the world. It's how Americans, and the rest of the world, overwhelmingly search for videos.
The great thing about YouTube is there are no gatekeepers. No one is waiting to tell you if you're good enough. It's just your audience.
People forget that YouTube is the second-largest search site on the Web. It just tells you the power of how many people live on YouTube.
After putting out songs with 26 million views on YouTube, your life changes a little bit. Suddenly everyone's like, 'Where's the album?'
YouTube's audience is very specific. They are ready for great content. But you have to engage with the audience in a very direct fashion.
My journey began when I found out about YouTube on how do you make music, and from that, people started explaining me how I had to do it.
In a pre-YouTube world, and in the beginning of the YouTube world, it was more personality-based and centered around very simple content.
With YouTube - with the Internet in general - you have information overload. The people who don't necessarily get credit are the curators.
One of the first jokes I wrote was this nail salon bit that ended up blowing up on YouTube. That's kind of what propelled me into standup.
As content creators, we're benefitting YouTube every day. YouTube couldn't do what they do without us, so do not underestimate your power.
I actually started my YouTube channel by accident! I was growing a fan base without even knowing it, and it's all in my book 'Is You Okay?'
I feel like my 'paycheck' being cut on YouTube was almost like a wake-up call to be like, 'Hey, don't be conformable, expand the business.'
I was one of those kids who was just always on the Internet, always on YouTube, so it was easy for me to do it. It's not work. It's just fun.
This girl just kept staring at me, and I was like, 'What in the world is wrong with her?' That's when I knew, this YouTube thing is something.
Big Shaq stems from my YouTube series 'Somewhere in London.' I just wanted to create something that was multi-character and multi-dimensional.
I think I'm used to competition. YouTube is a daily competition. I'm used to that, and I'm used to hate coming from everywhere on the Internet.
I've been watching a lot of Joan Didion interviews on YouTube. I love her. My drummer has gotten me into looking at Terence McKenna interviews.
The individual has now risen to the level of a mini-government or mini-corporation. Via YouTube and Twitter, each of us is our own mini-network.
I thank God every day that there was no YouTube or Twitter when I was a teenager. I would have had a channel, and it would have been mortifying.
I just said, 'I need to do something because staying up and watching YouTube and late night TV is not cool,' so I just decided to write a script.
I have been watching Youtube makeup tutorials since I was born. I did my own prom makeup and used to do peoples' makeup in high school for money.
Joshua Kirk, the YouTube kid with the glasses who looks directly into the camera - I really love his album reviews. He's been doing it for years.
Stand-ups are always good to see on YouTube. There's a guy named Mike Head who lives in Cleveland. He's great. He's an African-American stand-up.
I very rarely listen to music in my car - a lot of people make fun of me for it. But sometimes I listen to music on YouTube. I'm like a teenager.
People are always asking me where they can get some of my matches on tapes and DVDs. The people always tell me they see me on Youtube or whatever.
If you type 'Salt Flats' into YouTube, you'll find 100 amazing videos that were shot out there, but you won't find any that were shot in the rain.
I've worn pretty much every hat in the beauty industry, from blogger to makeup artist to YouTube influencer to Instagram influencer to journalist.
Comedy is delivered to people in the same form that music is being delivered: by YouTube. People are sharing music and comedy in the same way now.
I was able to turn to classical music many people, who saw my programs live and on YouTube, and this is one of the nicest achievements I can have.
I went on YouTube and saw videos of Angelina Jolie on some talk show showing people switchblade tricks, and I was like, 'That's what I want to do.'
There are a lot of disadvantages with the YouTube stigma, because no one wants to be known as just a cover band. It's all about the original music.
I'm trying to break away from doing covers or from being considered only as a YouTube star. I'm a singer, songwriter, sound engineer, and producer.