YouTube is an amazing platform for young musicians - although it's harder to get noticed now that everyone is on it.

YouTube, as longer form, the content you make there has to keep you entertained for three minutes - or five minutes.

Even if I get into television and movies, I'm never going to quit YouTube because of the bond I have with my viewers.

The Obama campaign has adeptly used YouTube and social networks as a relatively thrifty way to do targeted messaging.

YouTube is very culturally recognized. When we started in 2007 YouTube was very relevant, but completely unrecognized.

Unless you had a popular video on YouTube or could perform shows in front of thousands, musical ability meant nothing.

It's made music more accessible with YouTube and the ability to trade audio files. But it hasn't made it more popular.

But yeah, YouTube started for me straight out of high school, so 2009, because everyone was going to college except me.

Brands started approaching me once I had 800,000 YouTube subscribers. Some girls were getting offers with only 300,000.

With YouTube, it's mostly about scripting and editing. Live performances depend on the crowd, their mood and reactions.

I don't really go to YouTube or, especially, participate in Facebook. I just really don't want to know that many people!

I'm the perfect kind of personality for making YouTube videos. I deal in short attention span theater. I do wild things.

I have a playlist on YouTube of guided meditations, I have meditation books, my crystals and crystal sound-healing bowl.

I was one of the first artists to have a YouTube account, if not the first. I joined two months after the site launched.

I'm so central to YouTube now, and that puts me in the spotlight and raises a lot of questions like, 'Why is he so big?'

On YouTube, I've stayed very limited with what I've been willing to share, so it's been very surface-level with Miranda.

Yeah, so I have, like, a YouTube channel where I kind of use my engineering background to make sort of ridiculous things.

YouTube provides a unique opportunity for all musicians to market and promote their music and directly engage their fans.

I used to spend hours on the laptop watching free kicks on YouTube - again and again. You obviously learn a thing or two.

For me posting videos on YouTube and interacting with people on Twitter is a great release from the stresses of football.

I like YouTube; it's really entertaining. A lot of it is crappy stuff, but there are a couple diamonds in the rough there.

On YouTube, we were our own masters. We could sit on an edit until we got it right, we could choose quality over quantity.

Whenever I have free time, I love to just lay in my bed and watch YouTube videos, watch movies. Just basically do nothing.

The best thing about a platform like YouTube is that it helps musicians all around the world to reach such a vast audience.

YouTube has made a lot of changes to support time on site - a statistic they care about. But subscriber support is lacking.

Nowadays, you can be a fan of someone that's not an actor or artist. You can be a fan of someone that makes YouTube videos.

On YouTube, women are not just users; they're creators. They're learning about business and technology, and having a voice.

My YouTube channel is kind of a library of all my issues I've lived with. To process it emotionally, it's been good and bad.

OK, I wasn't really paying attention to YouTube in the year after it began. No one was. But its growth was remarkably rapid.

I watched Pablo Zabaleta countless times on YouTube and clips, because I think his timing of runs into the box is fantastic.

I take all the best parts of YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook, and combine them into a whole new service called … YouTwit-face.

I was on Tumblr when I was 12 or 13. I was on YouTube, too. I had a channel and made music videos. It had 50,000 subscribers.

There's always kids who become stop motion animators. I get stuff all the time. They put it on YouTube. It's exciting to see.

I had this one producer who sent me tracks because he saw my YouTube videos that were popular and got a couple million views.

The joy of YouTube is that you can create content about anything you feel passionate about, however silly the subject matter.

I think the next set of media companies are going to be created on the web and that YouTube is going to be a big part of that.

I threw myself into the only thing I ever felt passionate about, the only thing that has ever saved my life, which is YouTube.

Once I got 13 or 14 years old, I started watching a lot of videos on YouTube and and I started following the NBA ball.

I search for records that I've found on YouTube. If I can't get the record it doesn't matter to me, I'll bump the YouTube rip.

I'm so inspired by people like Issa Rae who started on YouTube or Abbi and Ilana from 'Broad City' who also started on YouTube.

What we have noticed at YouTube is that many users who have uploaded infringing content are unaware that it's illegal to do so.

In the beginning, YouTube content wasn't up to the same standard as traditional media. Now, people are using it as a launchpad.

I was doing nuclear med I didn't like it. My first semester I switched to film major. YouTube helped make that decision for me.

Ronaldinho was a big influence on me, watching him on YouTube, he used to do things that other people didn't really used to do.

I thought magic tricks would be a really good way to start conversations. I looked them up on YouTube and slowly mastered them.

As well as Pilates, I like doing little YouTube videos on my phone. Sometimes it can just be a five or 10 minute little workout.

In creating my YouTube videos, I don't want to speak for my audience and the people I represent; I want to amplify their voices.

If you go to places like YouTube, it's a cesspool, and a lot of the comments are really horrifying and misogynist and harassing.

People are building communities of people who use video. They're sharing them. YouTube's traffic continues to grow very quickly.

If YouTube has plenty of premium content, people will watch that in the same way they watch 'Game of Thrones' or 'Breaking Bad.'

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