There's a guy on YouTube named Mac Lethal - he spits hot fire.

YouTube is such a funny little world. You can create a fanbase.

YouTube is becoming much more than an entertainment destination.

Up until I started on YouTube, my first love was musical theater.

I do everything through Twitter, YouTube or the Internet somehow.

I will always come back to YouTube because that's where I started.

Reading is what people did before YouTube, and I love retro stuff!

Phone screens are too small to properly appreciate YouTube videos.

We will not leave this nation at the mercy of YouTube and Facebook.

I try to view my YouTube channel as a logbook of personal interests.

Just as performers, I think you'd be an idiot not to utilize YouTube.

The 10 million views on YouTube are... worthless to us as a business.

There's no longevity on YouTube. You have to keep pushing boundaries.

I used to watch David Beckham on YouTube for ages when I was younger.

I don't want to be a Snapchat star. I barely want to be a YouTube star.

I check out my MySpace. I'll go on sites to see what's funny on YouTube.

YouTube is the hippest network, and they abuse copyright right and left.

We won't allow the people to be devoured by YouTube, Facebook or others.

My channel is my baby. Some women have babies; I have a YouTube channel.

It's always a thrill for me to see new versions of my pieces on YouTube.

Well, I already had a YouTube account before I became addicted to makeup.

I think a platform such as YouTube has to respect local laws and customs.

Now it's hard to pick up any copy of 'Wired' that doesn't mention YouTube.

I think a lot more people are starting to understand the power of YouTube.

To see how YouTube has become part of pop culture, it's been just amazing.

When I started in 2007, YouTube was just a fun hobby for others and myself.

I spent five years watching every Noel Gallagher video that was on YouTube.

The worst advice I've ever received was 'Don't post on YouTube. It's dying.'

YouTube videos, they're more personal and more real than a commercial on TV.

I think, by this point, almost everything on YouTube has some ad or another.

I love 'Yoga With Adriene' videos on YouTube, cardio hip-hop, and kickboxing.

I was doing some YouTube covers, and I had a decently popular blog on Tumblr.

The online thing has been really big for us: the YouTube videos, the MySpace.

Daniel Johnston is someone I discovered on YouTube that's weird but wonderful.

My 11-year-old thinks I'm cool because he watches things I've made on YouTube.

Now we know that if we make a ten min video for YouTube, people will watch it.

When I was 13, I posted a video of myself singing a Bruno Mars song on YouTube.

You can put your music out on YouTube and get messages from all over the world.

We noticed that the most popular videos at YouTube showed people making things.

I try my hardest with my live show and YouTube to make it appealing to all ages.

I guess YouTube is the new destination spot for music videos. That's where I go.

I never would've tried YouTube if I hadn't had so many doors slammed in my face.

I always thought of YouTube as this super-finite thing where trends ebb and flow.

YouTube is, at the end of the day, a search engine... that's why Google bought it.

I cannot understand how sensible people still defend Facebook, YouTube and Twitter

I started a YouTube channel called Days of Dre. There's a lot of content on there.

The literary world has to compete with YouTube, Instagram, PlayStation, Xbox, Hulu.

Thank God for YouTube. Every Thanksgiving, I'm bombarded with 'Turkey Lurkey Time.'

It's harder than it looks to juggle all those things: relationship, movies, YouTube.

I go on YouTube just for fun when I have nothing to do. I love watching Lilly Singh.

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