'Tis now the summer of your youth: time has not cropped the roses from your cheek, though sorrow long has washed them.

All of us who are worth anything, spend our manhood in unlearning the follies, or expiating the mistakes of our youth.

I played with the youth national team, I played in some CONCACAF games, and it's always physical; it's always intense.

There was great difference in persons; and discretion did not always accompany years, nor was youth always without it.

Since I became Secretary-General, five years ago, I have seen youth participate at the United Nations as never before.

The heroes of our youth grow old - 'the boys of summer in their ruin', in Dylan Thomas's verse - yet we seem the same.

It is inevitable that those to whom is vouchsafed a long life of usefulness should outlive the friends of their youth.

Civilization is a youth with a molotov cocktail in his hand. Culture is the Soviet tank or L.A. cop that guns him down.

Age is no better, hardly so well, qualified for an instructor as youth, for it has not profited so much as it has lost.

When the American spirit was in its youth, the language of America was different: Liberty, sir, was the primary object.

I, for one, hope that youth will again revolt and again demoralize the dead weight of conformity that now lies upon us.

There's nothing more arrogant or conceited than youth, and there's nothing other than machinery that can replace youth.

Man hath a weary pilgrimage, As through the word he wends; On every stage, from youth to age, Still discontent attends.

All your youth you want to have your greatness taken for granted; when you find it taken for granted, you are unnerved.

Today the world changes so quickly that in growing up we take leave not just of youth but of the world we were young in.

Homosexuals cannot reproduce-so they must recruit ... and to freshen their ranks they must recruit the youth of America.

The price of indulging yourself in your youth in the things you cannot afford is poverty and dependence in your old age.

So nigh is grandeur to our dust, So near is God to man, When Duty whispers low, 'Thou must,' The youth whispers, 'I can.

At sixty a man has passed most of the reefs and whirlpools....That man has awakened to a new youth....Ergo, he is young.

You've got to have a young element in a show. Any project needs youth and dynamism as well old codgerdom and experience.

To burn the ideal of a great love into the soul of youth in letters of fire - that is to give him a real moral strength.

I've achieved 'the American dream.' I feel it's my duty to help others achieve their vision, too - especially the youth.

I'm 28 years old. In my country, that's considered very young. It's almost like the youth don't matter to the up-and-ups.

It's best to leap into something you know you love. You might change your mind later, but that is the privilege of youth.

Interest is the spur of the people, but glory that of great souls. Invention is the talent of youth, and judgment of age.

If the audience feels that we influence the youth, I want them to be inspired by some of the positive characters we play.

The youth may build or plant or sail, only let him not be hindered from doing that which he tells me he would like to do.

I am not as these are, the poet saithIn youth's pride, and the painter, among menAt bay, where never pencil comes nor pem

Lightly I sped when hope was high And youth beguiled the chase,-- I follow, follow still: But I Shall never see her face.

I discovered something amazing, which has caused a lot of controversy - the fountain of youth. I have to keep it a secret!

Within neoliberal narratives, youth are mostly defined as a consumer market, a drain on the economy, or stand for trouble.

I do beseech you to direct your efforts more to preparing youth for the path and less to preparing the path for the youth.

There is no more critical indicator of the future of a society than the character, competence, and integrity of its youth.

A compilation of what outstanding people said or wrote at the age of 20 would make a collection of asinine pronouncements.

Youth, however, is a defect that she is fast getting away from and may perhaps be entirely rid of before I shall want her.

Being excitable and passionate is what makes you look good because if you're engaged in what's going on, you radiate youth.

There is a feeling of Eternity in youth which makes us amends for everything. To be young is to be as one of the Immortals.

Old age, especially an honored old age, has so great authority, that this is of more value than all the pleasures of youth.

Branding music as 'for the youth' is only an escapist tendency. Preference in music is only about restrictions of the mind.

In my youth it was said that what was too silly to be said may be sung. In modern economics it may be put into mathematics.

happiness makes us older, less romantic, less in need of dreams. Discontent, not happiness, is the food of youth and poetry.

Nothing is more characteristically juvenile than contempt for juvenility. . . youth's characteristic chronological snobbery.

Our youth must always be free, discussing and exchanging ideas concerned with what is happening throughout the entire world.

The delight of opening a new pursuit, or a new course of reading, imparts the vivacity and novelty of youth even to old age.

Age in a virtuous person, of either sex, carries in it an authority which makes it preferable to all the pleasures of youth.

I accidentally entered a youth pageant when I was 14. That's like a beauty pageant, but without the beauty. It was terrible.

The music business would be much better, for the youth and the kids, if they start hiring employees that understand the kids.

Part of the trick of being happy is a refusal to allow oneself to become too nostalgic for the heady triumphs of one's youth.

I left home when I was 13. When I was 15, I was living in a youth hostel, and I was the 167-pound amateur wrestling champion.

I came to the place of my birth and cried: "The friends of my youth, where are they?"--and an echo answered, "Where are they?

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