Take your work seriously, but never yourself.

You can never prepare yourself enough to see your mug shot and DUI.

Always go with your passions. Never ask yourself if it's realistic or not.

Never ask your employees to do something you wouldn't be willing to do yourself.

Your joys and sorrows. You can never tell them. You cheapen the inside of yourself if you do tell them.

Never take a loan against your retirement! When you pay interest against your retirement, you cost yourself interest.

The ramifications that you set for yourself can inspire you to do things that you would have never thought of because, once you're trapped, your job is to persevere.

I would never share my daughter's wardrobe. Every five years you have to go through your wardrobe and say, 'This is possible, this is not possible.' But you have to be happy with yourself.

If election is your goal, you're never going to engage in reform. Reform has to be your goal. Election is the means. You run for office in order to do something, not in order to perpetuate yourself.

Take that one thing you don't like about yourself and more often than not that's the one thing that makes you more special. Whether it's that gap in your teeth, or that mole you never liked, or your skin color.

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