Look after yourself from within, and your beauty will shine through on your skin.

If you look after yourself and are willing to adapt - there is no reason why you can't play at the top level until your late 30s.

Once you have conquered your profession and are standing at the summit, it is all very well to look back down the slope and indulge yourself with regrets.

There's nowhere in New York to go and have your emotions to yourself. People just look the other way because every day people see someone crying on the subway!

That's how I look at it, if you're a wrestling fan, either support everybody and their families to make a living or just hold all of your overt criticism to yourself.

People know what they see but they don't know what's happening inside. If you want to know who you are and how you feel about yourself, take a look at your environment.

What I tell people usually is - don't look at others and be like them. Instead, find out ways in which you can augment yourself and increase your capabilities and use it in different ways.

Unfortunately, I am very aware of editing and I look at the monitor too much. Sometimes the monitor can become your worst enemy because you can, consciously or unconsciously, start editing yourself.

There's a way in which you can look at clothing as your outer skin. And because you were discriminated against because of your complexion, the way in which you could overcome that was through the way in which you presented yourself with your clothing.

I can understand there are things like shadows they need to fix after a shoot, but it's unfair to represent an image of yourself if it's not true. They're gonna see what you look like on film anyway, so why try to cover all your wobbly bits in a photo?

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