What is fame? The advantage of being known by people of whom you yourself know nothing, and for whom you care as little.

I don't care what other people say. The important pressure, you put on yourself. The pressure that others put on you? I ignore it.

I recognize that I have the ability to be selfish, but I also recognize that you can't be happy if you only care about yourself at the expense of other people.

The number one priority is playing baseball. There are so many people in New York trying to get you to do this and get you to do that, which is fine, but you have to take care of yourself.

No one is perfect, and no one should be made to feel like they have to be perfect. It's nice that we all have unique qualities that make us different as athletes and humans. That's why it's so important to surround yourself with people who truly care about you.

You would not hang out with people that talk to you the way you talk to yourself. So get out of your head! Your feelings! Your feelings are screwing you! I don't care how you feel! I care about what you want! And if you listen to how you feel, when it comes to what you want - you will not get it. Because you will never feel like it.

You have an obligation as a player - as an athlete at any level - and it doesn't matter what sport it is. When you sign on, you sign on. You prepare that week to go win. I don't care about your schedule, or how many people got hurt - it doesn't matter. You owe it to the people in the building and guys in the huddle to prepare yourself to win.

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