I did a lot of short films online, so I come from that background where a lot of people see your stuff.

A lot of people, even if they know what VR is, see it as this tool to go in your basement and play Halo.

It can be an educational thing to play your songs to people because you see where you've gone right and where you've gone wrong.

Make sure you like, comment and share other people's items. That teaches Facebook what kinds of things you like to see in your feed.

I grew up in a rough environment. You want to be strong and have your presence felt out there. That attitude reflects how people see you.

People could see by your actions on the park that you cared about it. If we got beat, I'd fling the Sunday papers in the bin and wouldn't read them.

Everybody has their thing they like or don't like to see. It's all in your head. That's why people take their own pictures, because it's difficult for someone else to capture what you seek.

Well that's the point: People don't normally take away things from films anymore. You go and see a $100 million film, half an hour later, your biggest concern is what are you going to be eating.

Some people have a phobia of midgets. They're, like, scared of them. I have the opposite - I see them, and I want to hold them down, cuddle them, be like, 'Come here, you little nugget. Who's your mommy now?' So cute!

I think what working in a short film online is that the response from the audience is immediate whether your short film or web-series works or not, it is immediate. You can see comments and you can also see how many people have viewed it.

It's really humbling and gratifying to see that people are finally realizing that we are talented and we have things to say and that our stories are just like your stories. There's no reason that anybody from Wisconsin or Turkey can't relate to 'Atlanta.'

To be a Hottie you gotta have a lot of self-love, a lot of confidence, you gotta be able to put your foot down. Hotties are supposed to turn other people into Hotties too. If you see someone that's not quite confident, you gotta be the Hottie to gas up your friend.

I'm in what feels like a pretty transparent fishbowl as mayor. People see you at the market, people see you at the diner, people see you wherever you are, talk to you. You don't shave, they're taking selfies of you. You come back from your jog, they're talking to you.

Maintain 'baseball cards' and/or 'believability matrixes' for your people. Imagine if you had baseball cards that showed all the performance stats. You could see what they did well and poorly and call on the right people to play the right positions in a very transparent way.

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