If you want your dream more than you have to have people's affirmation, that's how you break through your border bullies.

Most people should not do aerobic exercises for more than 30 minutes, because after that your chances of injury increase.

Drag is really about reminding people that you are more than you think you are - you are more than what it says on your passport.

The United States should stop being the 'empire' and be concerned about other countries. You've got to be more worried about your own people.

As a promoter, of course, you'd really want the people who pay for the tickets to come into your venue to really be even more connected with the band.

Most languages spoken by a few thousand people are so complicated they make your head swim; a Siberian yak herder's language is much more complicated than a Manhattan bond trader's.

The more you're writing absolutely honestly, and absolutely bare of intention - even if it feels absolutely personal and small because it's at your own scale - other people relate to it much more.

There used to be an old thing where every team had a heavy bag in their locker room for people to punch, but again, it was more about conditioning because if you hit a heavy bag for a minute, it feels like your arms are about to fall off.

When you try to be a role model, not everybody can relate to some of your highs - awards, championships. But everybody can relate to the lows. Everybody's gotten fired from a job or gotten cut. People learn more about you in those lows than they do in the highs.

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