Stand before the people you fear and speak your mind - even if your voice shakes.

Anything is possible. My background is a bad background, but a lot of people said I couldn't do it. You can do anything if you put your mind to it.

There's a lot of little people who think they can't do certain things, but like I say, if you put your mind to it, you can do things that average people do, just in a different way.

If your first objective in the negotiation, instead of making your argument, is to hear the other side out, that's the only way you can quiet the voice in the other guy's mind. But most people don't do that.

If you're born and raised a New Yorker, you're probably pretty to-the-point, and you don't care so much about hurting people's feelings as you do about saying what's on your mind, because you assume they'll get over it.

In order to date, you need to make up your mind to date, meet many people, and have blind dates offered to you, but that's not easy. It's more difficult as you get older. I don't think it's possible to do something by force, either.

When I first went to Israel, I saw soldiers pushing Palestinians around and thought, 'I can't stand this'. Then I'd meet somebody in a bar saying what wonderful people the Palestinians are and what mamzers the Jews are, and I'd think, 'Hang on'. It should be hard to make up your mind on any serious subject.

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