Every child is your child.

Never lose your child's heart.

Your child can die from chickenpox.

Guard your children's free time - from you.

You can't expect your children to be perfect.

You can't live your life through your children.

Time spent with your children is time wisely spent.

You either keep your childhood innocence or you rot!

Your children don't have to fear you to respect you.

You learn more about yourself through your child, I guess.

To have your childhood dream realized is a really big deal.

It isn't what you leave your children but how you leave them.

Bring Your Child to Work Day -- that's how we got George W. Bush.

Never lose your childish enthusiasm and things will come your way.

Save now, so you are not dependent on your children when you are old

Your children are spiritual beings who come through you, not for you.

Nothing compares to being truly, exuberantly wanted by your children.

You don't have favourites among your children, but you do have allies.

You have your children and it's hard to even hold it in - emotionally.

Looking out for your children is an ongoing process throughout your life.

If you don't heal the wounds of your childhood, you bleed into the future.

Easier to change, than to suffer. Grow out of your childishness.That is all.

You learn that, when your children are all right, everything is right in the world.

Don't live so that your children go unled because of habits that leave you uninspired.

Don't let your children take priority over your marriage and your work and everything else.

It's very important to be in your child's life and know what's going on and be there with them.

Conduct yourself towards your parents as you would have your children conduct themselves towards you.

Your children are not your children, they come through you, but they are life itself, wanting to express itself.

You can't choose your childhood, it's just what happens to you. But after that you choose. And that's really what (makes you).

When it comes time to do your own life, you either perpetuate your childhood or you stand on it and finally kick it out from under.

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