If your child is starting a new school, walk around your block and get to know the neighborhood children.

If you have two parents who have to work, who want to work, you need to have someone to guide your child.

If you are teaching your child to be content with a participation award, then you already failed at life.

I feel so blessed to do what I do, but there's nothing in the world better than watching your child succeed.

You should study not only that you become a mother when your child is born, but also that you become a child.

Praise your child explicitly for how capable they are of learning rather than telling them how smart they are.

Nobody ever told me learning to let your child grow would be one of the hardest things I was going to go through!

Education begins at home. You can't blame the school for not putting into your child what you don't put into him.

As a father, I understand the importance of the bond that develops through reading picture books with your child.

Your child is never not your child. You can be 90 and your mother 120, but your mother is still worried about you.

To outlive one's child is a terrible thing, but to do so because your child has taken his or her life is horrible.

If you are truly serious abut preparing your child for the future, don't teach him to subtract teach him to deduct.

If your child has something creative they really want to do, it's up to you, their parent, to help make that happen.

You get perspective on things when you're away from your child, and in a way, your love for them becomes even deeper.

'The Road' is about that fear that all parents can have - 'What's going to happen to your child if you're not around?'

I encourage people to get a village so that there will always be someone who's like family looking out for your child.

I think it's incredibly important to spend the first year with your child, and it should be made possible for all women.

Move with them, be active with them - whether it's swimming or scooting or bicycling or playing soccer. Engage your child.

It's one thing to support your kid, but if you have an interest in what your child is doing, it makes it a whole lot easier.

If you live through the death of your child, you should be able to talk about it and let other people know it's OK to go on.

You have to make sure that you and your child are connecting, and it does help when they are looking directly into your eyes.

To experience the unique sense of elation that you have when your child is sleeping on your chest in an incomparable emotion.

Being acknowledged and appreciated by your child and stepchild is the greatest gift for all the hard work we put in as parents.

Sometimes as a parent, you have to give your child that doesn't do his or her chores some tough love and withhold the allowance.

If your child really loves art, get them some good brushes. Get good material and make them feel that what they do is important.

You have to be honest, even when you are upset with your child. Your intentions must be clear. You must never lie to your child.

The amazing thing about being a dad is to be able to look at your child and realize that the universe is so much bigger than you.

The love you have for your child is so much greater than any challenge you'll face as a parent, and that's what helps you through.

Don't assume your child is weak. If you, the parent, assume that they can't take anymore, what kind of signal are you sending them?

I feel teenage is an age when you should try and spend most of your time with your child. You can't leave them with maid or servants.

It doesn't matter how your child comes to you. I've never felt such joy and such love. It's the most beautiful delicious little thing.

There are still times when the person who is challenging you as an actor is also the person who sometimes challenges you as your child.

My husband won't remake films and won't allow anyone to remake his films. It's like making your child study like your neighbour's child.

I have a history of eating disorders but, as a mother, you think of being an example to your child. I'm so much more balanced than I was.

It's all kinds of these profound things crashing on you when your child arrives into the world. It's like you've met your reason to live.

A good way to make children tell the truth is to tell it yourself. Keep your word with your child the same as you would with your banker.

For the price of a couple of Happy Meals, you can buy a digital textbook and stop your child from having to carry around a six-pound book.

I think that if you start teaching about giving back and helping other people young, that will be a given for your child their whole life.

It's very hard when your child doesn't want to talk to you and you want to talk to them, and you want to touch them, you want to hold them.

Enrolling your child in a recreational sport sponsored by your neighborhood recreation community centers is a great way to keep kids active.

My parents always made education and school the number one priority. They believed that an education is the best gift you can give to your child.

Being a parent, it is heartening to see your child wake up every day at 5:45 in the morning to pursue his passion and then manage school as well.

Do not, on a rainy day, ask your child what he feels like doing, because I assure you that what he feels like doing, you won't feel like watching.

Spend enough time wrangling a toddler, and you get good at being kind but firm. Like your child, you must be doggedly single-minded when it matters.

Having children made us look differently at all these things that we take for granted, like taking your child to get a vaccine against measles or polio.

I told somebody once, 'You don't want the Herschel that plays football... babysitting your child. When I am competing, I am a totally different person.'

When you become a mother, it's a common thing that you just want to put every ounce of your being into your child, which is a very beautiful experience.

It was not a secret, then or now, that there is something vaguely un-American about forcing your child to be really good at classical music performance.

You don't name something after something derogatory. You wouldn't name your child something derogatory. You wouldn't name your team something derogatory.

If your child marches to a different beat, a different drummer, you might just have to go along with that music. Help them achieve what's important to them.

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