It is very important to highlight the young talent of India.

When you step up as a young talent, you need to challenge the old lads.

I'd like to manage someone, a young talent that maybe doesn't have the mic skills.

I've always had a fortunate knack for grabbing young talent and giving them a break.

I played for Barcelona, for Ajax, where it's important to develop and integrate young talent.

London's top colleges attract the best young talent from around the world; they're truly a national asset.

I can never do better than Fawlty Towers whatever I do. Now I very much want to teach young talent some rules of the game.

At least, in this situation, I know my chances of coming back could be slim because of the young talent the Yankees do have.

In terms of the coaching aspect and things like that, I've always been someone that prides themselves in helping young talent.

I'm not sure there are enough coaches in the system that can take young talent and consistently get them into the top five in the world.

Reality shows like 'SaReGaMaPa' are a huge platform for young talent. Thanks to television, they have more exposure than we could even imagine.

The Australian film industry has recognised Tropfest as a place to nurture young talent. It's a stepping stone between amateur and professional.

There's such a big buzz around boxing at the moment. Everything's happening and there's so much building up with a lot of young talent coming through.

I'm able to bring a great deal of experience to a company that is looking to build young talent, which is vital to the future of professional wrestling.

In order to stay ahead of the young talent, you have to pay attention. You have to see what young talents are doing, and I see what a lot of young talents are doing.

I had to prove everything because I was coming from Milan, and nobody knew me. I was a young talent who hadn't done anything, so I had it all to prove and all to do.

Soap operas are such a great way to break-in to the industry. The diminishing landscape of daytime TV means it's going to be harder for young talent to get discovered.

My challenge when I came back was to face the young talent, dissect their games, and show them maybe that they needed to learn more about the game than just the money aspect.

There's a lot of young talent. I felt strongly that we wanted somebody with a great football mind who'd make it their mission to succeed. And a coach, likewise. Somebody young, energetic, open.

It doesn't necessarily have to be championship-or-bust for me to go back to the NBA. I want to be in a situation where I thought I could help, play a little bit, and help where they have good young talent.

It was like an older but better version of Young Talent Time because we had more time to spend on it. There were three guys and three girls and we made thirteen episodes that were sold in the United States and Canada.

I really like coming-of-age dramas. It's probably the most intense period in anyone's life, those years before you become an adult. Dramatically, there's so much to explore there. And it's nice to be around young talent coming through.

I'm excited to be launching D'Leon Records to support other young talent in their development. I have been very fortunate to have been able to break through and succeed in this tough industry, and this is one of my ways of giving back.

We have no companies now, not in the sense that I know, that nurture actors. It's very depressing that, given the money they get, the companies today don't number up in my estimation. They should be bringing on young talent, and they don't.

I don't know much about climate change. But I'm pretty sure we better figure out what to do to lessen its impact - at least its health impact - and that's not going to happen unless you have a lot of young talent interested in these topics.

I wanted to have a label to not only release my own stuff but to also give young talent a chance to release their music without signing away their life. I had a great time with Spinnin', and the people I worked with were amazing, but the contract wasn't really for me. It wasn't what I wanted.

Red Bull have always been very good at nurturing young talent - Sebastian Vettel and Daniel Ricciardo are products of that - and it is important with Asian talent that people keep investing in it. There's a massive pool of people, for sure, and the next Sebastian Vettel is out there somewhere.

I think initially with the ECW product it was a perfect place. Even though it was WWE's ECW, it was a perfect place for the young talent to kind of get their feet wet and figure out the lay of the land and to figure out how the WWE works and then you can transition better into Raw or SmackDown.

There are so many YA novels being made because there is so much young talent that can bring it to life. J-Law was one of the first females to do it with 'The Hunger Games,' and it's been going on for a while now. With J-Law, it was like, 'Hey, I'm Katniss,' and then, 'Hey, I just won an Oscar!'

When you're a young talent, and you want to launch your brand, you always have tons of questions: Where should I produce? Should I launch a second line? Should I do shoes, accessories? If you have someone who can coach you and give you advice and help you find the right supplier, it's a big help.

If you have a great love of singing, supported by others' fondness for your voice, then it is worth making every effort, of making every sacrifice, to achieve your goal. A great voice will easily find teachers who are willing to help a struggling young talent, and the ways of the Lord are infinite.

Broadcast TV has a very classy but old-fashioned way of doing television. That's what it's always going to be. But you've still got to introduce young talent and ideas and shows to the masses. That's the way you build a bigger and younger audience, introducing younger writers, comics, TV shows to viewers.

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