I don't read many young adult books.

I turned down one of the big young adult franchises.

Putting lessons in young adult books is very dangerous.

Some of my favorite books to read are young adult books.

John Bellairs's young adult mysteries were great - and super creepy.

All kids need to figure out how to manage their time as a young adult.

I used to act in television commercials when I was a kid and a young adult.

People in the know say 'The Giver' was the first young adult dystopian novel.

Every little thing I've done as an adult and as a young adult, I've done diabetic.

My book group has one rule: no books for adults. We read young adult fiction only.

I love how much love there is in the world of young adult and children's literature.

I was definitely meant to be a young adult author, and I love it - I'm here to stay!

Sometime around 2006, I decided I had missed my true calling as a young adult author.

'Until Friday Night' is the first book in my new young adult series, 'The Field Party.'

I've never read a young adult novel, though. I'm sure I would love it, but I've never read one.

As a child and young adult, I delighted in being able to identify almost any wild plant or animal.

My favorite movie of all-time is 'Stand By Me,' and I re-read my favorite young adult books often.

As a young adult, we all go through things now on social media. It's a part of our everyday lives.

A lot of people have no idea that right now Y.A. (young adult). is the Garden of Eden of literature.

I find myself, by happy accident, writing 'Young Adult' fiction. However, I dislike such categories.

I don't think I consciously decided to write for the young adult audience; my subconscious decided for me.

I love anything by Deb Caletti. She's my absolute favorite young adult author. I love Ally Carter as well.

The young adult category is particularly interesting to me in terms of science fiction and fantasy tropes.

I kept getting offered all this young adult stuff. I don't want to keep telling teen coming-of-age stories!

Any time a young adult book throws a girl and a guy together, the clock starts running on the countdown to the kiss.

As a child or young adult going through an illness, it can be stressful at times and boring and extremely alienating.

It's - I write the books and let the market find who reads it. I guess a young adult is anywhere from ten to fifteen.

I had never heard of 'young adult novels,' which I guess are about teenage gangs and the new boy in town or something.

Richelle Mead's 'Vampire Academy' saga is set to be the next young adult paranormal series to become a household name.

The distinction has blurred between young adult and adult books. Some of the teen books have become more sophisticated.

I wind up playing these characters a lot: They have self-esteem issues, or they're going through a lot as a young adult.

Doing 'Young Adult' was really reassuring to me in a lot of ways. It confirmed a lot of suspicions I had about great actors.

I harbored a lot of resentment as a teenager and as a young adult. I still have a problem with authority, I'm trying to listen!

Romance novels are my favorite books to read. I write young adult romances, and am so happy to be promoting this wonderful genre.

I made stupid decisions as a kid, or as a young adult, but I'm trying to be now, I'm trying to take this lemon and make lemonade.

I can't root for the Lakers. I grew up in northern California, so I spent many of my young adult years rooting against the Lakers.

I thought I'd been condescended to as an Indian - that was nothing compared to the condescension for writing young adult literature.

I was born and raised in Queens and moved into the city as a young adult. Then I ended up acting and decided to run off to California.

Young adult fiction is getting more popular among adults because the writer is trying hard all the time to maintain the reader's interest.

Turning 16 is kind of scary because when you're 16, you go from being a kid and then you can drive and are more of a young adult in a way.

I read 'Pushing the Limit' and 'Dare You To' by Katie McGarry. Fantastic stuff. I had never read young adult before, but now I'm a believer.

I avoid the young adult section altogether if possible, although it's sometimes fun to catch a girl lying on the floor, reading 'Gossip Girl.'

Young adult author Richelle Mead holds the distinction to perhaps be the only author ever to have a book banned... before it was even written.

Some of the most powerful memories are those when you are very, very young. Adult life is seen through the reflection of complex, rational thought.

So much of young adult literature has turned dark, almost pathological. It's almost as if there is a race to see who can be the most dysfunctional.

In a culture defined by shades of gray, I think the absolute black and white choices in dark young adult novels are incredibly satisfying for readers.

I read YA novels constantly, so I really want to be in a young adult rom-com, but I worry that I'm aging into the parent role, which is a little scary.

I'm rather pleased with the new manuals. I see Inform now as a gauche young adult, having got past the stage of growing out of his shoes every few months.

Calling a book 'young adult' is only important in that it can help get a book to the right reader. After that, it's a useless abstraction and should be discarded.

The Longstockings are eight children's and young adult writers. We all came out of the New School MFA program, and we meet regularly to critique each other's work.

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