All my teenage years my punk was hip-hop - I just hated pop music.

Politicians, after all, are not over a year behind public opinion.

A year's a long time, but it also flickers past in no time at all.

The first game of the year is always an in-season adjustment game.

During my teen years, for Halloween, I went as a registered voter.

Every five-year-old kid should have a pair of happy pajamas. (217)

The best time to start was last year. Failing that, today will do.

Our goal is to be the best team in the NBA at the end of the year.

What have you done for YOURSELF this year to create a better life?

These happy golden years are passing by, these happy golden years.

You really want to know your cofounders for a while, ideally years.

By the year 2000, most Americans will be online one way or another.

I've been acting since I was six years old, but not professionally.

I made a killing on Wall Street a few years ago...I shot my broker.

I'm a huge, huge, huge fan of Steve Carrell and Tina Fey for years.

We need a revolution every 20 years just to keep government honest.

I was born good but had grown progressively worse every year. Scout

And old affront will stir the heart Through years of rankling pain.

It generally takes about 10 years to become an overnight sensation.

You lose that sacred-cow status when you lose three straight years.

I learned years ago that love could be temporary and still be love.

At another year I would not boggle Except that when I jog I joggle.

I have not had a drink for four years, which for me is a long time.

I've been lucky enough to primarily work for myself over the years.

I've been taking art classes for a couple of years; I love to draw.

The brussels sprout. This is also the worst vegetable of next year.

TIME's Person of the Year for 2006, maintainer of a foot long beard

No one is so old that he does not think he could live another year.

I was three years old when I started drawing. I did it all my life.

I can only pay my electric bill for my last two years on my acting.

Every couple of years, we could dispatch people from Earth to Mars.

It's true. I......I wanted to be born in the year of the cat......!

Every ten years a man should give himself a good kick in the pants.

I've dreamed about doing music since I was three or four years old.

May the New Year bring you courage to break your resolutions early!

God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion.

In a better world we will find our young years and our old friends.

Take a leap of faith and begin this wondrous new year by believing.

A four-year degree shouldn't be the only path to a good-paying job.

Write a thousand words a day and in three years you'll be a writer!

Live today for what is going to matter 10 billion years from today.

My nine-year-old daughter is very creative and colorful and trendy.

It will take a thousand years for the frontier to reach the Pacific

Since I was 10 years old, I knew I wanted to sail around the world.

And I played in jazz band as well during all three years in school.

When you're doing a big movie, you're gone for 10 months to a year.

It takes 300 years, it seems, for the great bands to get their due.

I've been married forty-five years. I think laughter is the secret.

We're playing the same songs, the same way, that we have for years.

London is like a woman with too many years to encourage confession.

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