Every day I feel is a blessing from God. And I consider it a new beginning. Yeah, everything is beautiful.

Does the New York City Ballet affect other places? Yeah, it lets people know they should come to New York.

Yeah, I had an idea to make a very scary movie, based on a kind of serial murderer that preys on tourists.

Yeah, I think there are a lot of things about Cleveland that I miss. Los Angeles is a funny place to live.

I watch the Food Network with my kids. We - yeah, I - I - I generally don't admit that, but I love cooking.

They tell me I produced songs. I just stood in the back, wore a good suit and said, Yeah, that's happening.

Yeah, well my name is Bai Ling. That means white spirit, and I really feel like sometimes I'm not existing.

Your mother was a goatherder. (Savitar) It’s an honorable profession. (Takeshi) Yeah, for a goat. (Savitar)

Oh, yeah, I've always thought of covering some of my influences like Billy Joel, Elton John, Stevie Wonder.

Yeah, man I am going to be writing a book soon. The reality of being in a rock band in the music business'.

My friend asked me if I wanted a frozen banana. I said 'No, but I want a regular banana later, so... yeah.'

When you go to college you can just be whoever you wanna be. So I got there and I'm like, Yeah, I'ma rapper.

You're asked, 'Do you know kung-fu?' Yeah. That's what we do. We wake up, we brush our teeth, we do kung-fu!

Yeah, I like to be the maker of the art. And I like and want the money. But I don't really dig being famous.

Yeah, it's nice to look up to people, but the more you try to be somebody else, the less you are of yourself.

Golf gives and takes. So yeah, sometimes you make those putts, sometimes you just miss them. But that's golf.

Well, I had a fiddle that I really can't play, so I loaned it to Darrell. But yeah, he's from another planet.

Yeah, I lost court cases and misdemeanor juries, but of felony jury trials I was successful 105 of 106 times.

I can scream and yell that I can still play, but unless I prove it, people will say, 'Yeah, Penny, whatever.'

Yeah, we went to England to do a show and I got off the plane and I couldn't write my name or hold my hand up.

Nobody in the world could have told me I wasn't gonna be a rapper. So, yeah, I always knew I was gonna be one.

You know some of the people in The Strokes, yeah, their parents had success - but we didn't live like yuppies.

I go overseas, and all the soccer players come to me, like, 'Yeah bro, we always play 'Mo Bamba.'' It's crazy.

Yeah, I have the detail-obsessed, controlling personality of a novelist, but I somehow ended up writing plays.

Is my strike zone bigger than others? Yeah. It might be bigger than others, but I don't have a problem with it.

Cause I enjoy both, I enjoy recording and playing live, but yeah, the rush of playing live is really something.

Yeah, I like to have fun - I think that's a good way to live. I think you're better at your job if you like it.

I am legitimately Scottish. I can officially say — yes. Yeah, I am from Inverness in the Highlands of Scotland.

I'm a big hip-hop fan since being a kid. It was the first music that spoke to me and made me feel like, 'Yeah.'

I wasn't in any super duper serious relationships growing up, but yeah, I know what that heartbreak feels like.

Whenever I passed by a Chinese restaurant in a car, I'd joke to my friends, 'Oh yeah, my uncle owns that place.'

Yeah, acting is very difficult. As much as I love it, and the challenge of it, I'm so often just terrified by it.

Oh yeah. That's why. Like a fairy tale. I was marrying the Prince. I just happened to be in love with the pauper.

I think a lot of people on Twitter say, 'Oh you're really cute. I want to adopt you,' and things like that, yeah.

Yeah, I miss the Grateful Dead. I miss that groove. I miss the brotherhood. Absolutely. There's no doubt about it.

Yeah, I'm going to learn. I'm going to learn to skate really good, and if I can't, I'm going to get hurt doing it.

Yeah - I wanna be the sister to Khaleesi in 'Game of Thrones.' I wanna be a dragon lady; that would be really fun!

Dumbledore's man through and through, aren't you Potter?" "Yeah I am," said Harry. "Glad we straightened that out.

If I was lying on the side of the mountain, dying, would I have any regrets? Yeah. I would regret not making films.

I get a lot of teenagers going, 'Yo, Krueger,' and honking their horn and giving me the claw. Yeah, I'm recognized.

And, so yeah, I'll always want to work in independent films because you're not forced into a category or a formula.

Any tips for winning?” she’d asked. “Yeah. Do what you gotta do to survive.” “That’s it? Wow. You suck at pep talks.

Yeah, Dizzee Rascal is a huge influence on what I'm doing. I learnt a lot from him even though he's younger than me.

That's the worst thing for an actor: when you say to someone, "Yeah, I was in that movie," and they say, "You were?"

Look at the Prius. It's a nerd car. Yeah, you're being environmentally friendly, but your dating life is gonna suck.

Yeah, ever since I was super-young I had a lot of dreams - I wanted to be a musician, I wanted to be a skateboarder.

I'm usually trying to get back into the dream or analyzing the dream. And yeah, the days, most days begin like that.

Yeah, I think we did the term Muppets before we got the show Sam and Friends - a few months after I started working.

I won 11 titles but yeah, no Slam. Am I proud? Yes. Am I also disappointed? Yes. But a couple of times I was unlucky.

People say you have to work on your resentments. Yeah, no, I'm gonna hang onto them and they're gonna fuel my attack.

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