Yeah, but I don't believe everything I read.

Yeah, I mean I'm a water sign. I'm a Pisces.

I am human, and, yeah, I have very bad days.

Yeah I'm in that Tonka color of Willy Wonka!

Yeah, I regret we weren't on a higher floor.

Yeah, I was at the Masquerade of the Damned.

Yeah, I am lazy. There's no doubt about that.

Yeah, I'd been around horses most of my life.

Yeah, I love history and I loved it as a kid.

Yeah, I hear the truth. But this is my truth.

I had breast cancer. Yeah, I know it's scary.

Do I like tawdry, sleazy stories? Yeah, I do.

Yeah, I do stand-up, my own type of stand-up.

Are you making fun of my hero complex?' Yeah.

Yeah, now we publish whenever we feel like it.

Yeah I flirt, I'm not blind and I'm not dead!.

So yeah, I am definitely a blues man at heart.

Yeah, I went to ACT for a while. It was great.

Yeah, I kinda still get nervous sometimes now.

Yeah, dog was this man's best friend, for sure.

Yeah, well, I finally stopped smoking for good.

Yeah, I admit to myself, yeah, I'm an alcoholic.

Yeah, I was a child of American popular culture.

Yeah, we'll play that. You want fries with that?

Yeah, well, food is always a part of everything.

Yeah, I had top-secret clearance and everything.

I cry a lot.' 'Yeah? Well I'm gonna change that.

Yeah, I'm insensitive. So is life. DEAL with it.

Yeah, I like Three Six Mafia and stuff like that.

I think I can lead a pretty anonymous life, yeah.

Would I do it again? Film another movie? Oh yeah.

Yeah sure, I'd love to have all my movies on DVD.

Make your haters mad! Yeah, make them really mad!

Yeah, the sitcom world is dead. It's all reality.

Yeah, I was a florist. I went to floristry school.

Well, yeah, sometimes I get a little too creative.

Yeah, I feel good. Good about my game and my life.

Yeah, the next Wu album should be out by late '95.

Is it hard to make a living in show business? Yeah.

Imagine? Yeah I can imagine John Lennon being dead.

I'm not a robot - I don't do the robot stuff, yeah.

Yeah, James Charles is narcissistic and sociopathic.

History is beautiful stories or scary stories, yeah.

Yeah, my parents help me keep my feet on the ground.

I'm a lifer, yeah... I can honestly say I'm a lifer.

I have four words for you: I love this company, yeah!

Yeah, well I'm not aspiring to be the Prime Minister.

Yeah, I've always considered myself a musical person.

Yeah, I'm sure there are stereotypes of Asian people.

"Am I weird?" "Yeah. But so what? Everybody's weird."

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