All of a sudden, Hulk Hogan has become retro. Hulk Hogan has become cool again. So to come out and to hear how loud the fans are. To hear how loyal the fans are, it's truly overwhelming. I just can't believe I've been reborn in the WWE.

The best incarnation of The Four Horsemen was undoubtedly the unit comprised of Ric Flair, Barry Windham, Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard, along with talented manager JJ Dillon, which will be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2012.

Being a good worker in WWE is the worst curse that you can have. Instead of being given the title for being a great worker, they give it to someone who isn't and have that person work with the good worker, so they look good in the ring.

I was a 19 year old kid; I was 170 lbs soaking wet. I didn't have an identity. I didn't have a look. I didn't have the proper gear. I was just a young guy trying to be a wrestler. So, to be honest, WWE didn't even give me a second look.

Let The Rock understand this, he beats your ass in cage match last week and now your the number 1 contender? Well The Rock knows exactly why that is; you've got a three foot nose you turn it sideways and stick it straight up Vince's ass!

Hopefully, when people watch 'Lucha Underground' and WWE, Ring of Honor, New Japan, AAA, and any other promotion out there, they fall in love with pro wrestling. Pro wrestling, as it affects pop culture, is bigger than any one promotion.

Lita was, quite frankly, a trailblazer. She was the first woman to break down barriers by being different from other women in WWE. She didn't just break them down: she flew over them, put them through tables, and downright destroyed them.

A lot of the work I did with WWE had very strong comic book ties that were more than just a wink at the audience. There was a period of time when I had a clear protective face mask and a hood over my head that correlated with Doctor Doom.

Hulk will always be a part of sports entertainment/professional wrestling history, and there's nothing that's gonna change that. His relationship with the WWE, whether it's official or unofficial, is something that can't really be erased.

My dad's father would take me to WWE shows when I was younger, and my other grandfather, my mom's dad, would watch wrestling with me at the house. They just really enjoyed it. Unfortunately, they both passed away before I signed with WWE.

My whole 'WWE' career has been rebuilding myself and finding the confidence that I once had. It's been one hell of a journey. There have been times I felt like the prodigal son because I left wrestling and abandoned this thing that I loved.

2014 was a really big year for me because I was able to go into a storyline with Stephanie McMahon, and the WWE Divas championship wasn't part of that, but for me, it was the biggest story I've ever been a part of in my whole entire career.

When kids tune in and see Jordan Devlin, Trent Seven, Pete Dunne, Wolfgang on the WWE Network, and then they see a poster at the town hall for their local wrestling show, they're gonna say, 'Oh my God, that's Pete Dunne. I wanna go see him.'

The hardest thing for me was probably the different roles in the Performance Center because when you go to the Performance Center and become a WWE Superstar, you're on a different schedule. But in the indies or in Mexico, you have your time.

I told my mom: I said, 'Mom, I'm going to try out for WWE.' Her response was, 'The heck you are!' She was like, 'You are not doing that!' So I had to try out without her knowing, but now she's, like, the biggest supporter and so proud of me.

Samoa Joe is an opponent that I really wanted to face in the ring. There was a time when you never thought that you will able to see Samoa Joe in a WWE setting but that has changed and this can be considered to be one of my fantasy bookings.

When I was younger, I didn't want to come to WWE because I didn't fit into the mold. I couldn't identify myself with the term 'diva.' The divas brand was meant to put a spotlight on the women, but the term, to me, felt more glamorous than me.

People who've never played a sport in their life come to WWE and can kick butt. On the other hand, people who've played football or some other professional sport can come here and get in the ring and not do what we do. It's a different tango.

Ziggler has been around a little longer than I have, but from 2010-12, he and I went at it almost every single week in pay-per-views, tv, live events. We know each other very well. We are two guys who are not your prototypical WWE superstars.

There is only one Dwayne Johnson. What Dwayne has done is absolutely fantastic. He had a vision when he was here at WWE. He promotes like a mad man. We'll see how I do with John Cena before I can be mentioned in the company of Dwayne Johnson.

I'm generally a highly motivated person. I always try and be the very best I can be, so I'm just gonna try and take every day and be the best that I can be, and prove myself to the WWE Universe and the WWE in general, and see how far I can go.

You have to realize WWE's contract. They're not getting paid from advertising money. USA makes that money. WWE gets paid by USA, they get paid a lot of money, and the money increases every year. Ratings aren't the most important thing to them.

From the first day I got signed to WWE, being the champion was always my number one goal, and after years of consistent hard work both mentally and physically, ups and downs, I was finally in that moment I had dreamt and thought about so much!

When guys leave - whether they decide to leave or they're forced out - there's usually this period of time we see them around the world, and they can ride that WWE wave and use it, and then it goes away. It loses its luster after a few months.

I would love to take the WWE championship back to India. Nobody has ever taken a WWE championship to India, so just to think about the power that I would have to motivate the youth and to inspire a tremendous amount of people there is amazing.

It took me 16 years to get to the WWE. And the reason for that is that I did it - I don't want to call it the responsible way, but I'm going to call it the responsible way. I went to school, I worked multiple jobs, and yeah, I chased my dream.

From day one, The Shield was a vehicle. It wasn't, 'This is what we're doing for the rest of our lives.' It was, 'This is the vehicle we'll use to bust into WWE, to ride to the top of it, and then we fight each other.' That was always the plan.

I want the Intercontinental title to be seen as more than just a 'mid-card belt.' The Intercontinental Champion used to be seen as a threat to the WWE Champion. My goal is to return the Intercontinental Championship to that level of importance.

I know I'm not everyone's cup of tea, and not everyone is going to approve of me being in WWE, but I guarantee every Thursday on 'Smackdown' you're going to get the most prepared and the most passionate broadcast that I'm capable of giving you.

I love WWE so much. There is no greater love than the WWE Universe. I know we are in a love-hate relationship, but at least they feel passionate about me. They love me one second, then boo me the next. That's what I love about the WWE Universe.

Getting released in 2014 was the best thing that happened to me because I got to regain my focus, regain my pride, and come back as the best-conditioned athlete there is in WWE, which ultimately led me to become the single greatest WWE champion.

I was in TNA for over a dozen years. I had a great run there - I had a great career - but obviously, WWE has always been the be-all, end-all of sports entertainment. Until you get there and experience it on a personal level, you just don't know.

Being a WWE performer and doing all the different things we get to do, it can wear on you, and you can learn a lot of stuff about yourself. For me, it always reminds me to just stay humble. Just be yourself, love what you do, and enjoy the ride.

In the grand spectrum of things in WWE, you are wrestling for that camera and that camera and that camera - and all the cameras they have - and you have to make things work that way because, through that camera, there's a million people watching.

What we do in WWE is not a sacrifice. Being out on the road all the time, and all the bumps and bruises, that sort of thing is difficult but also a joy and a pleasure. It's brought so much happiness into my life. I wouldn't have it any other way.

To be clear, NXT is a great place to be at, you know what I mean? ... Obviously, everybody aspires to be on Raw or Smackdown. That's why they sign with WWE, because they want to be able to perform on that stage and at Wrestlemania and Summerslam.

WWE was an opportunity to wrestle in front of thousands - in 2013, I did 227 matches, and almost all of them were in front of more than three or four thousand people, with a high of 70,000 plus. It was an incredible experience to be part of that.

I look around and see guys that I've been on the road and traveled the world with in a WWE locker room, and we still think it's surreal. At least once a week, one of us will look at the other and just say, 'Can you believe we're really all here?'

I'm not a 'Yes Man,' and I've always preferred to go back and forth and find something we both agree on so I can do it to the best of my ability. That was taken in WWE as trying to do what was best for me. In reality, I was trying to be different.

To be someplace for ten years or to work anywhere for ten years is a tough deal. But to work in the WWE for that long, knowing how their dressing room is run with this top heavy, condescending 'do this and nothing else' attitude, it gets tiresome.

We live in a very defiant society, especially among young men in the WWE's target demographic. So sometimes when you're really trying to promote somebody and build them, the audience can easily take it as you're trying to force somebody upon them.

What people don't realize here in WWE is, you can go out in any company, and you can have these crazy, five-star matches, and you can do all this stuff, and you don't have chains on you. The trick in WWE is to do it within this confined little box.

It's truly a new day ever since we graced the WWE Universe with our presence. Every time we come out there, you see us being funny, having fun, entertaining people and, of course, preaching the power of positivity. That's what New Day is all about.

I felt myself getting teary eyed. And I was like, 'Wait a second. You can't do that. You're the WWE Champion.' Then I went out of the ring, Alex Riley was there and we both celebrated together. Feeling his excitement made me feel even more excited.

I spent the whole time I've been in WWE trying to build this character who is unbreakable, who is not vulnerable, and who is not relatable. For me to let down my guard and let people in, I had to make that decision, and once I did, I had to own it.

WWE is very good at doing things that are advantageous. If you have the ability to go out there and get on a mic and be captivating, then they're going to do everything in their power to support that ability and make it even bigger and seem better.

Regardless of what people think of the WWE, we're great at storylines; we're great at drawing money. We're great at causing controversy, and when the other sports do it, they usually do better. It keeps it interesting and makes it fun for the fans.

When it comes to representing the WWE, I don't like calling myself the 'face of WWE' because we have so many faces and so many superstars. We are a team, we're a roster, and we're a locker room. It absolutely takes every man to make this ship sail.

No matter how much wrestling you have watched in your life, you know how big Wrestlemania and how momentous it is. My sister-in-law and her boyfriend aren't die hard WWE fans, but they are fans of Wrestlemania just because of how huge the event is.

All I can say is that WWE and its entire machinery has been nothing but a joy to work with. I'm not just saying that because I'm paid to or that I'm a member of the company. I have criticized WWE in the past, but I am still a big fan of the product.

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