I believe that you should put the right people around you, people that will not let anything go wrong.

I am a simple person, I try to do my best on the pitch and do nothing wrong both on and off the pitch.

I am not saying all Muslims are wrong or are terrorists or criminals. You will never hear me say that.

Love is a piano dropped from a fourth story window, and you were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

There is nothing wrong with good accounting, except that it does not necessarily lead to good science.

When you make mistakes, when you're wrong, you should admit you're wrong and ask people to forgive you.

Why do children dread mathematics? Because of the wrong approach. Because it is looked at as a subject.

There's nothing funnier than religion. Try explaining it to a kid. I had it all wrong when I was a kid.

I've never been married, but I tell people I'm divorced so they won't think something is wrong with me.

An apology? Bah! Disgusting! Cowardly! Beneath the dignity of any gentleman, however wrong he might be.

I figure lots of predictions is best. People will forget the ones I get wrong and marvel over the rest.

It is always better to have no ideas than false ones; to believe nothing, than to believe what is wrong.

I always thought it was wrong for me to take credit for the work that I did. I don't think that anymore.

Most people say that it is the intellect which makes a great scientist. They are wrong: it is character.

I was training to be an electrician. I suppose I got wired the wrong way round somewhere along the line.

In the building of a basic wardrobe, we cannot go wrong if we strive for simplicity and perfect fitting.

I've been tremendously lucky. I went through things that turned out wrong, and I got myself out of them.

You know, I've got wrinkles on my forehead and smile lines, but what's wrong with that? I love to smile.

A child becomes an adult when he realizes that he has a right not only to be right but also to be wrong.

The Linux philosophy is 'Laugh in the face of danger'. Oops. Wrong One. 'Do it yourself'. Yes, that's it.

The doctor must have put my pacemaker in wrong. Every time my husband kisses me, the garage door goes up.

Everyone knows their wrong from right, so when people are being racist, they know they're being ignorant.

Maybe I'm too young to keep good love from going wrong, but tonight you're on my mind, so you never know.

Don't get me wrong: not all camo is trendy or cute. The right camo and camo shades, though... perfection.

To sum up: it is wrong always, everywhere, and for anyone, to believe anything upon insufficient evidence.

I don't think there is anything wrong with white space. I don't think it's a problem to have a blank wall.

Capital punishment is as fundamentally wrong as a cure for crime as charity is wrong as a cure for poverty.

The American people do not like neutrality. They would rather a man were on the wrong side than on neither.

In all intellectual debates, both sides tend to be correct in what they affirm, and wrong in what they deny.

Life goes by fast. Enjoy it. Calm down. It's all funny. Next. Everyone gets so upset about the wrong things.

There's no wrong or right with fitness. It's whatever you enjoy and whatever you can keep up and keep doing.

What the cops did to Rodney King was wrong, and the officers who beat him should be sent straight to prison.

Stand with anybody that stands right, stand with him while he is right and part with him when he goes wrong.

There are two sides to every issue: one side is right and the other is wrong, but the middle is always evil.

Your empire is now like a tyranny: it may have been wrong to take it; it is certainly dangerous to let it go.

How wrong it is for a woman to expect the man to build the world she wants, rather than to create it herself.

Lots of companies don't succeed over time. What do they fundamentally do wrong? They usually miss the future.

Recognize that dissenting opinions are useful even when they're wrong, and go out of your way to reward them.

Once you depart from the Ten Commandments as being the foundation of right and wrong, you are in a free fall.

Sometimes I feel like I was born in the wrong year - I think it would have been cool to be alive in the '60s.

Kids are falling through the cracks and nobody notices it. That to me is what's wrong with the school system.

No choice is the wrong choice as long as you make a choice. The only wrong choice is choosing not to make one.

I chalk up the fact that I got diabetes to my body saying, 'Dude, you have been doing wrong for way too long!'

That's why people come to live music, right? To see something go wrong, something human, something vulnerable.

If some people don't like funk music then it's just the wrong time for them. They will get it. It's addictive.

Just because someone gets arrested doesn't mean what they are doing is wrong. Some laws are unfair and unjust.

My hardest lesson has been my most fruitful, too: that when people don't believe in me, I can prove them wrong.

We didn't have locks in the early 1940s because nobody got into anybody's house, and nobody did anything wrong.

There's nothing wrong with technology. It's when technology is the story and not the artist, that's the problem.

Genuine tragedies in the world are not conflicts between right and wrong. They are conflicts between two rights.

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