I write to please myself.

I buy way too many books.

Write as if you are dying.

It is immoral not to tell.

I'm going to quit writing.

Write. Don't think. Relax.

Good writing is rewriting.

I write about what I know.

I write in American slang.

I write emotional algebra.

Great books conserve time.

To write is a humiliation.

Journalism is not writing.

Full purse makes no noise.

Write what you care about.

Writing is its own reward.

Novel writing wrecks homes.

I write in order to belong.

A writer is always working.

Beware of advice-even this.

I have a writing addiction.

I prefer writing originals.

Writing is a communication.

Good writing is always new.

I'm very driven by writing.

Remarks are not literature.

Inspiration is for amateurs.

In a way, I was safe writing

I need to write to be happy.

Vigorous writing is concise.

I write in a rush of memory.

I am always trying to write.

Each book starts from ashes.

The divine art is the story.

One writes in order to feel.

The tears had turned to ink.

Nothing any good isn't hard.

I need, therefore I imagine.

Dialogue is a necessary evil.

Writing is still on my slate.

I write music. I'm in a band.

I'm very comfortable writing.

Writing is a lonely business.

Writing is thinking on paper.

Write til your fingers bleed.

Writing is an antisocial act.

Writing forces consciousness.

Teaching writing is a hustle.

I don't write romance novels.

Writing is a delicious agony.

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