One of my biggest concerns was how defensive the fans would be over The REV's drum throne. I'm grateful they have been welcoming.

My friends all say I’m going to be Secretary of State, [but] I don’t see how that would be much different from the job I have now

It would be hypocritical of me to use being female in some ways, and diss being female in other ways. It's part of the programme.

No one thought I would be successful. Everyone thought I would fail. You have no idea how much courage it took for me to do this.

I get too involved with my job. If I was to do anything besides acting, I would be a fireman or a beat cop. I'd do a regular job.

When I think back kind of on starting my career, the last place I thought I would be would be spending a lot of time in Brooklyn.

I've always thought that we, as human beings, would be naive and arrogant to pretend that we're the only life form in the galaxy.

Time has driven out sex and money as the central issues. Now if it could only drive out the issue of power we would be somewhere!

I wouldn't say anything I ever did in film would be something I'd use the word proud about. I've done better work in the theater.

Walking out in the middle of a funeral would be, of course, bad form. So attempting to walk out on one's own was beyond the pale.

Reader, I am myself the subject of my book; you would be unreasonable to spend your leisure on so frivolous and so vain a matter.

I love football so when I finish playing I would like to still be involved in it somehow and a ­manager would be my first choice.

It would be a miracle to solve this case. Luckily, I believed in miracles. No, wait, that was testicles. I believed in testicles.

Whether someone else would have played Superman better or worse would be up for a lot of debate on the internet forums, I'm sure.

If I had to choose one which best characterized the condition of being a political leader in Athens, the word would be "tension".

If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said it'd be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.

My grandfather came over from Puerto Rico and raised his kids speaking English so that it would be easier for them to assimilate.

The mind of the writer does indeed do something before it dies, and so does its owner, but I would be hard put to call it living.

The discovery of any kind of life [in Space] at all would be a tremendous watershed moment in biology, as well as all of science.

If there were no contradictions and no struggle, there would be no world, no process, no life, and there would be nothing at all.

If Trump really can build up American infrastructure, that will help reinflate the world economy, and that would be a good thing.

I don't think half my stuff would be funny if the audience didn't feel at least a little bit safe that it's not how I truly feel.

If only they would all just leave me alone with my books and my letters, I would be content to let life, and the world pass me by

It's common platitude that knowledge is neutral but every now and then it would be useful if it were on your side and not theirs.

I would like to do a big movie that many, many people see but I just know I would be miserable if it didn't have something to it.

I think if I did something in the pop world right now, it would be for Rihanna. I'd love to do something production wise for her.

What I do is called 'fishing.' If it was easy, we would refer to it as 'catching,' and there would be a lot more people doing it.

Before I forget, here's your homework. Where do you want me to put it?" She pointed at the trash can. "Right there would be fine.

It would be a serious mistake to replace a seasoned statesman with a tempermental tycoon who has no respect for the constitution.

You strayed from the way and did not return because you were ashamed. It would be more logical if you were ashamed not to return.

I thought it would be great to do superheroes that have the same kind of life problems that any reader - that anybody could have.

I've never given up. I've always kept going. I don't feel that I could afford to give up. That would be the beginning of the end.

One of my goals is to have a base near mainland China. I think Hong Kong would be a good match for me. I like being in Hong Kong.

We were really responsive. It was very personalized for the die-hards that did watch, and I thought that would be a big draw, too.

The world would be better and brighter if people were taught the duty of being happy as well as the happiness of doing their duty.

If Putin wants to knock the hell out of ISIS, I'm all for it 100 percent and I can't understand how anybody would be against that.

I still care about people but it would be so much easier not to care. I don't want to get too close; I don't like to touch things.

I wonder what the world would be like if everybody walked their talk; if word was married with deed; promises delivered by action.

The acting life is different than I thought it would be. I love it - it's actually a lot less pressure than I thought it would be.

We should seek to be fellow students with the pupil, and should learn of, as well as with him, if we would be most helpful to him.

Eight hours of sleep would be amazing. That would be the best. If I could just figure out that part of my life, it would be great.

To live for results would be to sentence myself to continuous frustration. My only sure reward is in my actions and not from them.

We never fully grasp the import of any true statement until we have a clear notion of what the opposite untrue statement would be.

I thought if I lost the band, I was dead. If I didn't stick with the Who, I would be a sheet metal worker for the rest of my life.

It would be great if all the fast-food outlets, slaughterhouses, these laboratories and the banks who fund them exploded tomorrow.

Everything, in retrospect, is obvious. But if everything were obvious, authors of histories of financial folly would be rich . . .

If you just think exclusively about what would be the best tasting or the most profitable, you're just not seeing the big picture.

If somebody ever wished to be me for a day, they'd be the most pissed-off person once they got here. They would be, like, in hell.

I have been absolutely hag-ridden with ambition. If I could wish to have anything in the world it would be to be free of ambition.

I think that the Peeps or Peppies or Pipes diaries would be much more popular had there been a universal pronuncation of his name.

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