If there were genders to genres, fiction would be unquestionably feminine.

... if it were the fashion to go naked, the face would be hardly observed.

Well, I suppose I could do a solo album, but my god, it would be terrible!

Rattlesnakes would be a lot more dangerous if they didn't have the rattle.

I don't think any movie I would do would be too serious or serious at all.

Dreams are illusions, and we can't let go of them because we would be dead.

In my world there would be as many public libraries as there are Starbucks.

No Palestinian, young or old, would be frightened by these Israeli tactics.

Adding sound to movies would be like putting lipstick on the Venus de Milo.

The brutal reality of politics would be probably intolerable without drugs.

The safest place to be during an earthquake would be in a stationary store.

I wonder what it would be like to live in a world where it was always June.

Yes, the cost is high, but the price of neglect would be infinitely higher.

I don't know anyone who would be exclusively working on game music, per se.

Perhaps it would be better not to be a writer, but if you must, then write.

It would be great to make a movie that had the style of a great '30's film.

It would be really sexy to have George Clooney once. I think he is so sexy!

Sometimes I wish I wasn't as conscious as I am. It would be so much easier.

Never let a little man to sit on a big chair; that would be a big disaster!

I'd get invited to parties, and instead it would be these abandoned houses.

My biggest fear? My biggest fear would be turning into an inanimate object.

Ohne Phosphor, Kein Gedanke. Without phosphorus there would be no thoughts.

What a waste my life would be without all the beautiful mistakes I've made.

If they found a way to make shooting in 240p expensive, it would be trendy.

At some point in time I will be honored if I would be mentioned as a coach.

If people thought a quarter of what they speak, this world would be heaven.

If I had my druthers, I would be working in all different mediums, forever.

If all our wishes were gratified, most of our pleasures would be destroyed.

If heaven exists, to know that there's laughs, that would be a great thing.

What would be impressing to me, is in 30 days you see a change in your life.

I had hoped when my life was chronicled, it would be an inspirational story.

No one travelling on a business trip would be missed if he failed to arrive.

Everyone thinks it would be great to work for National Geographic. So did I.

I made the decision long ago that to be afraid would be to diminish my life.

Even Heaven would be Hell to some people because they'd be too close to God!

I had no illusions that my career would be any longer than three years tops.

Not writing would be like going the rest of your life without having dreams.

Perhaps it would be better for science, that all criticism should be avowed.

To have the universe bear one company would be a great consolation in death.

Advice would be more acceptable if it didn't always conflict with our plans.

I'm John Morrison, and if God have 2 sons i would be the better looking one.

If Christ could make a complaint, it would be, "My bride never talks to me".

Had I accepted the pickle juice, I would be drinking pickle juice right now.

He that would be angry and sin not, must not be angry with anything but sin.

I just think you people would be happier back in Africa where you came from.

If it was easy, everyone would be doing it. That's why they call it artWORK!

It would be interesting if Elvis were reincarnated as an Elvis impersonator.

It's impossible to compare two bands. It would be like comparing two lovers.

To me success would be to be able to do your very best in everything you do.

If the Masters offered no money at all, I would be here trying just as hard.

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