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Far Out is never far enough because one challenge, if it is worthy at all, has to be followed by a greater challenge.
When you see a worthy person, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy person, then examine your inner self.
If you say you're worthy, you are. If you say you're not worthy, you're not. Either way you will live into your story.
In short, realism reveals. Where we thought nothing worthy of notice, it shows everything to be rife with significance.
We should all have the opportunity to at least get a basic education and feel that you are worthy of something in life.
I've lived my whole life trying to prove that I'm worthy of being a part of something because I never really felt that.
I never knew any painter worthy of the name who paid the smallest attention to what a critic says, even in conversation.
Dick Durbin's a worthy opponent on any debate. He's very intelligent, quick. Knows his facts and puts them forward well.
I regard myself as a beautiful musical instrument, and my role is to contribute that instrument to scripts worthy of it.
Hairdressing in general hasn't been given the kudos it deserves. It's not recognised by enough people as a worthy craft.
The best way to enhance freedom in other lands is to demonstrate here that our democratic system is worthy of emulation.
The most splendid achievement of all is the constant striving to surpass yourself and to be worthy of your own approval.
In every place, where there is any thing worthy of observation, there should be a short printed directory for strangers.
I wanted 'Second Sky' to be my way of recommending truly good music to my audience that I think is worthy of their time.
Our bodies are exploited so much in the media, I feel like everyone is made to feel like they're not worthy or beautiful.
Most of my life is taken up with family. It takes me awhile to get a record together that I feel is worthy of putting out.
I don't want to sound too worthy here, but I want to do something that honestly contributes something positive to society.
I name my companies things that are intentional, that are specific, that are worthy of ridicule if you are anything other.
You do the right thing even if it makes you feel bad. The purpose of life is not to be happy but to be worthy of happiness.
Civilization, to be worthy of the name, must afford other methods of settling human differences than those of blood letting.
I don't want to be all worthy about it, but I don't do red carpets, I don't do events and I don't accept freebies that much.
Everybody feels like a freak in some way at some time in their life. Or feels on the outside. And everybody is worthy of love.
Today, we seem to be striving towards injustice, applauding it as though it's a worthy dream, made sacred by the caste system.
A good man, though he will value his own countrymen, yet will think as highly of the worthy men of every nation under the sun.
To secure to each laborer the whole product of his labor, or as nearly as possible, is a worthy object of any good government.
I am committed to working towards a more transparent, accountable, and ethical federal government worthy of the publics trust.
I am committed to working towards a more transparent, accountable, and ethical federal government worthy of the public's trust.
In my case, self-absorption is completely justified. I have never discovered any other subject quite so worthy of my attention.
What makes me feel most beautiful is feeling confident and sure of myself and knowing that I am worthy and enough and powerful.
The year 2016 was a year of revolutionary event, a year of great change, worthy of note in the history of our Party and country.
Don’t become me. Don’t let her down like I did. You only deserve what you make yourself worthy of. Do what I couldn’t. Be a man.
Mental health is seen as a massive drag to have to write about - worthy, dull. Something you should 'have' to read / write about.
O wise man! Give your wealth only to the worthy and never to others. The water of the sea received by the clouds is always sweet.
Ambition is not in itself an evil; nor is he to be condemned whose spirit prompts him to seek fame by worthy and honourable ways.
Though I may not . . . be able to quote other authors, I shall rely on that which is much greater and more worthy - on experience.
I was one of the horses of the Louis B. Mayer stable, and I thought the films I was given after my Academy Awards were not worthy.
What I like to say is that we're trying to develop a new generation of technologies that are worthy of the next generation of kids.
What is perhaps more worthy of note than how many tsunami dead we've seen, however, is how many other recent dead we have not seen.
I dated a lot, but I never really had anyone who was worthy of an anniversary. And most girlfriends never made it to a year, anyway.
Nor let a god come in, unless the difficulty be worthy of such an intervention. [Lat., Nec deus intersit nisi dignus vindice nodus.]
He’ll have to prove it to you. Every day, he’ll have to prove he’s worthy of you. And if he doesn’t, that’s it. But I think he will.
Wealth is the progressive realization of worthy goals, the ability to love and have compassion, meaningful and caring relationships.
Anything so precious as the gospel of Jesus Christ is worthy of all the effort and sacrifice of time and means employed to teach it.
Even if I were offered twice my salary elsewhere, I would stay at Juve. Doing so would make me proud, as it is a worthy thing to do.
Actors want to show off and dance in front of you and get your love, because they don't think they're worthy of it in any other way.
Donald was to my grandfather what the border wall has been for Donald: a vanity project funded at the expense of more worthy pursuits.
a diplomat ... is not worthy of the name unless he can say 'no' and make the other person like it - or at least not be offended by it.
Tom: If you love with kindness, even when you can't love with permanence, you'll deserve the one who's worthy along that path for you.
It's an honor to support such a worthy program. TURF aims to protect the integrity of tailgating and to keep game day family-friendly.
America took me into her bosom when there was no longer a country worthy of the name, but in my heart I am German - German in my soul.