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We learn the most from fools ... yet we pay them back with the worst ingratitude.
The worst lies of all are the ones we tell ourselves. They are the most damaging.
The worst part of all is that, without forgiveness, bitterness is all that is left
The worst thing about poverty is not the actual living of it, but the shame of it.
My wife has to be the worst cook. I've got the only dog who begs for alka-seltzer.
The worst part of getting close to someone is the part when you have to miss them.
Drought brings out the worst in us and it's easy to hate your fellow human beings.
Anonymity, in some cases a key civil liberty, also enables society's worst actors.
Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man.
The worst vulgarity is to avoid vulgarity solely on the grounds that it is vulgar.
Tobey Maguire was the worst tipper, the best player, and the absolute worst loser.
To be disesteemed by people you don't have much respect for is not the worst fate.
I realized that the worst thing that could happen to me was about to happen to me.
When it comes to power, outshining the master is perhaps the worst mistake of all.
And worse I may be yet: the worst is not So long as we can say 'This is the worst.
The worst thing you can do is allow a coalition to determine what your mission is.
What is worst about America was acted out. What is best in America doesn't export.
I think trying too hard to be sexy is the worst thing in the world a woman can do.
I bring out the worst in my enemies and that's how I get them to defeat themselves.
The thing that got me through the worst of my teen years was running and the piano.
It is not the pain and the wounds that are the worst. The worst is the humiliation.
Hope for the best, get ready for the worst, and then take what God chooses to send.
The Christian ministry is the worst of all trades, but the best of all professions.
The worst tempered people I have ever met were those who knew that they were wrong.
The two worst enemies of comedy are lack of sleep and not having had a decent meal.
The worst thing that can happen to anybody in this cultural environment is to fail.
Seek the best in everyone that you meet. Seek the worst when dealing with yourself.
Whether it's the best of times or the worst of times, it's the only time we've got.
The worst of me is known, and I can say that I am better than the reputation I bear.
The worst thing, I fear, about being no longer young is that one is no longer young.
Do the wise thing and the kind thing too, and make the best of us and not the worst.
Wisdom prepares for the worst, but folly leaves the worst for the day when it comes.
Probably my worst quality is that I get very passionate about what I think is right.
When we speak truth to power we are ignored at best and brutally suppressed at worst
I seen the worst of the worst. I deserve every blessing I receive I'm from the dirt.
The worst possible thing in the world is to have someone who doesn't believe in you.
I think the worst thing you can do is blend in. Why would you ever want to blend in?
I'm my own worst critic. I mean, I know what's wrong with everything that I've done.
Do something youre not ready to do. In the worst case, youll learn your limitations.
Fake is, like, the worst word you could possibly use to describe anything, you know?
Anyone can smile on their best day. I like to meet a man who can smile on his WORST.
When someone isn't seen for a long time, Well, folk soon begin to imagine the worst.
I bet the worst part about dying is the part where your whole life passes before you.
Michael Jordan on his worst day is ten times better than Kobe Bryant on his best day.
The first and worst of all frauds is to cheat one's self. All sin is easy after that.
You think that their dying is the worst thing that could happen. Then they stay dead.
Of all the plagues with which the world is curst, Of every ill, a woman is the worst.
A lot of times, men like to keep stuff in and that's the worst thing that you can do.
The worst thing you could do is scare a kid or trick them. Never, ever, ever do that.
The worst thing you can have as an actor is too big an ego. It just kills creativity.