I am not worried about criticism. In fact, it helps one perform better.

I was worried about being the nut that ruined 40 years of Bond history.

Be worried when the haters stop hating and the critics stop criticizing.

I don't really like thanksgiving food, i'm not worried about overeating.

We should not be worried about age when it comes to love and attraction.

If I were someone named Mr. Ass, I'd be really worried about doing time.

Don't worry about my life, worry about why you're worried about my life!

You are not worried about scoring; you are worried about winning the game.

You can't really get as much done when you're worried about looking gross.

Competition is normal at a big club, but I've never been worried about it.

When people are worried about the future, they don't take trips to Hawaii.

Don't build a glass house if you're worried about saving money on heating.

Greed has taken the whole universe, and nobody is worried about their soul.

When I was a player, I worried only about myself. Good money and easy work.

I was so worried about winning, it was as if I was caught up in my own web.

This world is all attachment. Yet you get worried because you are attached.

Unless you're a serial killer, you're worried about being liked by somebody.

People sense when you're pretending, when you're worried about your own ego.

Religion is constantly being talked about, debated, pondered, worried about.

If I were worried about my reputation, I wouldn't do anything with start-ups

I am not worried about the deficit. It is big enough to take care of itself.

I am not too worried about not scoring many goals as long as someone else is.

I'm not worried about tomorrow, because God is there already, waiting for me.

Why should I be worried about dying? It's not going to happen in my lifetime!

I hope people just enjoy the music. I'm not worried about any sort of legacy.

That's why whenever I have a really good idea, I'm always worried about theft.

I should have worried about taking responsibilities for which I was not ready.

My dad makes me breakfast every morning; he's very worried about my nutrition.

But you know what? It's not my behavior I'm worried about anymore. It's yours.

Wisdom is worried for being slow in its speech and expeditious in its actions.

I still sleep soundly every night. I'm not worried about everything people say.

Worried thought prevents practical thought which could prevent worried thought.

You know everybody has something to say. I'll be worried when they say nothing.

After my first No. 1 song back in 2006, I worried I may never have another one.

There's no point in getting too worried about things, because life is too short.

A poem may be worked over once it is in being, but may not be worried into being.

I'm worried that the universe will soon need replacing. It's not holding a charge.

I'm not worried about repeating myself - I'm more worried that I'd just get bored.

I'm a Luddite with computers, and I'm slightly worried about being hacked as well.

I was getting worried I may not become a grandfather, but the Lord has blessed me.

I have never been the type of person who has ever worried about what people think.

I am wired on some deep level to seek out something to be worried and obsess about.

I've always taken risks, and never worried what the world might really think of me.

I've never worried about being rich or famous - for me, it's all about the dancing.

Every one of us at Pixar is worried that we're going to be the one to make the dud.

A lot of people, including me, are worried that inequality will lead to bad things.

You're never too worried as a captain, when you know Rahul Dravid's still out there.

I am worried about our tendency to over invest in things and under invest in people.

I'm not worried about young people seeing an opportunity and taking advantage of it.

I'm not worried about wrinkles on my cheeks, or going grey. I'm not trying to be 20.

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