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Now, a lot of early VR worlds or universes that are coming online take inspiration from 'Ready Player One.' It's just the coolest thing ever.
While my life shifts from refugee camps to red carpets, I choose them both because these worlds can, in fact, coexist. And for me, they must.
In the time of the sacred sites and the crashing of ecosystems and worlds, it may be worth not making a commodity out of all that is revered.
We used to go to movies to see stories about ourselves. It would transport us to new worlds and we'd see aspects of ourselves reflected back.
I kind of prefer bouncing back and forth between theater and films. It's like having the best of both worlds, both very different experiences.
It was 'ST' format to let space and alien worlds, rather than human weakness, provide the conflict and danger necessary to our adventure show.
I grew up in Asia, and I remember as a little kid being in Taiwan watching films there and being so awed by these new worlds of entertainment.
We can do things that we never could before. Stop-motion lets you build tiny little worlds, and computers make that world even more believable.
In the best of all worlds, the producers would take some responsibility for the kinds of things they're putting out. Unfortunately, they don't.
All the privileged can travel, see different worlds; not everyone can. I think it is important for people to have an interesting locale nearby.
I love fashion and I love interior design. There are times when the two worlds collide but more often than not, they go side by side in tandem.
If you come down to it, there's only a handful of worlds that action films live in. You have your car chases, your gun fights, and your fights.
The romantic appeal of solar sailing has ensured that its advocates consistently come from the worlds of both science fiction and science fact.
The great thing about computer animation is that all of those environments exist as three-dimensional worlds, so these VR worlds already exist.
I made 'The Farewell' for me, for my family, and for other immigrant children, or children of immigrants, who feel caught in-between two worlds.
Some women lose their husbands, and their worlds change because their financial circumstances change. All I have in common with them is a grief.
When you think about the impact and the legacy that 'Monday Night Raw' has had on the media, entertainment, and sports worlds, it's significant.
My mum's a bouncy, energetic, driven, crazy woman, and my dad's very relaxed, doesn't say much. I have the best of both worlds in my personality.
There are several new species that are discovered each year on our planet alone, science suggests that there could be many more worlds like ours.
I love that you can have the language between the two worlds of technology and fashion, because I don't think that many designers get to do that.
The trouble with New York today is that it's lost its balance. I love the new, greener New York, but it takes all kinds of worlds to make a World.
I was trying to write new music, but there was nothing I was reacting against. It turned out 'Worlds' itself became something for me to to resist.
But for me, the challenge is how you turn a character into behavior. Once the director says 'action', you just try to live between those two worlds.
I've been so lucky to be able to go into such different worlds from my own, and that's what makes my job so fun. I just want to continue doing that.
Film is this incredible medium that allows us to feel empathy for people that are very different than us and worlds completely foreign from our own.
I'm a sucker for lost worlds. I was nostalgic even as a child. I was happiest in my hometown library in Adams, Mass., where nothing seemed to change.
Children exist in the worlds that adults create for them, both locally and globally, and their options are, by virtue of age, often painfully limited.
Little men with little minds and little imaginations go through life in little ruts, smugly resisting all changes which would jar their little worlds.
Man is a creature who walks in two worlds and traces upon the walls of his cave the wonders and the nightmare experiences of his spiritual pilgrimage.
Every year, I think of Worlds as the big meet, but now, it's the Olympics. I'm blessed to even have the opportunity to think about it and work for it.
There are two worlds: the deaf world and the hearing world. There are some people in the deaf community that feel that hearing people look down on us.
In the past, when Jay-Z did 'Best of Both Worlds' with R. Kelly, I thought it was a great album, but the campaign went south because of personalities.
But really important, perhaps most important is the craft; how you make your record, the creation of these sonic worlds you want your listener to hear.
I think part of what I love about being an actor is getting to take on different worlds and investigate different genres and travel to different lands.
I think the San Sebastian victory and and my European time trial title, and the second place in the worlds, really changed my life and my career a lot.
We find ourselves attached to fantasy worlds sometimes when it's hard to process what's going on in our world. It's reassuring to see the good winning.
However, in modern conceptual frameworks there is a more sophisticated view. I would say that the act of music exists in several worlds simultaneously.
I like working closely with artists. I think that's very important in fantasy and science fiction - the visual aspect of the worlds and the characters.
I am a very spread out type of director as I just love working in all of these different worlds; I go from commercials to music videos to art projects.
I've always thought that a good book should be either the entry point inward, to learn about yourself, or a door outward, to open you up to new worlds.
That world of spies and espionage, there's a coldness to it. That's what makes those worlds fascinating - and what makes le Carre's work so interesting.
I really love the TV thing because it's a little of the best of all worlds. You have a sense of a family and work with the same people over the seasons.
I think many of the companies that have tried to create social worlds have failed because they approached it strictly from an opportunistic perspective.
I want to balance my projects. Ideally, I'd like to do at least one indie film, a mainstream movie, and a TV series in a year - the best of both worlds.
Yes, it's possible to have the best of both worlds. My personal life is going great, and so is my career. Who says I have to give one up to have the other?
When you're a writer and you're an adult, that's something you crave - that limitless imagination and love for worlds that don't exist that you can create.
I didn't think the worlds of theater and basketball intersected. I thought the Venn diagram would be one person: me. As it turns out, there are a few of us.
I'm interested in how artists and writers do this, using art as therapy. Escaping into the worlds we create. We're all victims and few of us are truly free.
It is only by freeing NASA from routine human transport to low-Earth orbit that we can afford to once again see American astronauts exploring distant worlds.
I believe I've got the best of both worlds - a modern man with old fashioned values. I'm happy to be a house husband but won't let my wife carry her own bag.