You never know how things will work out.

I will never take any work or shopping for granted.

The hidden hand of the market will never work without a hidden fist.

I'm just not Mr. Joe that goes to work nine-to-five. I never will be.

If you've got to second-guess talking to a teammate, what you have will never work.

You can never tell when an artist really will take up someone's work and work with it happily.

I never do anything half-heartedly. I will continue to work hard and play hard and do everything I can to be successful, whatever I do.

Brussels has become inefficient and very bureaucratic, which makes it slow to do things. The concept of the United States of Europe will never work.

If Republicans eliminate Medicare, America will become a country in which you can never retire - and once you physically can no longer work, you are desperately poor until you die.

Hard paywalls will never work because, just like at a newsstand, the reader likes to browse the cover and a few articles before choosing to buy. Even if the material is truly unique, a consumer likes to try a little before buying.

I'm in the factory a lot so I see how hard the guys work, but you never really know how quickly and effectively the other teams' development programmes are going until you get to the track. It's only then that we will be able to tell.

We never work on only one project because we never know if we will get permission for a project. So, for 'Over the River,' we started in 1992. I was just finishing 'The Umbrellas' in Japan and California, and I was also working on getting permission to wrap the Reichstag.

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