My working method has always been, 'Work really hard and get it right the first time.'

I was always active - I went from baseball to football. I didn't have time to work out.

I have always wanted to work with Rekha - she is one of the most gorgeous actresses of our time.

Careers, like rockets, don't always take off on time. The trick is to always keep the engine running.

My work schedule doesn't always accommodate my workout schedule, but I make do with what time I've got.

Anti-inflammatories always seemed to work well for my joints, but the problem was you couldn't take them all the time.

Every basketball thing I do now through my academy is always in a muskie state so I can work both those passions at the same time.

I do most of my reading on the train ride to and from work. But I always have a book in my handbag so that I can read at any time, anywhere.

As a breed, I think artists are never 100% satisfied with their work, and we will always want that little bit of extra time to put the final gloss on it.

Personally, one of the down sides of founding a company is that there is always too much work to do, and sadly I find I don't have much time to code any more.

I was always kind of florid. And full of rhetoric. That was my flaw. My whole time writing, I've had to work against that because it can be a wrecking posture.

If you were in the film industry at that time, you were always picked up by directors who were much older. You were whisked about and shown things. I did work very hard though.

It's happened time and time again, but the committee has always decided against it-the work was too conservative or didn't fit within the budget; there are millions of different reasons.

I used to always employ South Africans and Aussies and Kiwis - I can't admit this, well I can now, but I couldn't admit it at the time - but I didn't want wet English lads who didn't want to work in the catering trade anyway.

After I had written a paper or letter for Bohr, I always had the impression that I had learned something which I could use for my own work. And somehow, I never felt that I had too little time for my own work. I always found time.

I was always very detail-oriented, and in the time I spent in different roles - the elected official, the campaign manager - I had a tendency to want to push the creation of the product and really work on the critical path that would get to product.

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