It is always great when people take interest in your work.

I've just been blessed to work with these really great people.

It's such a great thing to work with people and not have a plan.

I've gotten to work with some great people. I've been really lucky.

When a great many people are unable to find work, unemployment results.

Our public services and the great people who work in them are improving lives.

I've been lucky to be able to work with great people and on interesting material.

Many people who want to be great aren't willing to do the work to make it possible!

I guess subconsciously that all the great people you work with have an influence on you.

I'm kind of a Midwestern snob. I think we're just nice people and have a great work ethic.

Our Party attaches great importance to the work with young people and firmly believes in them.

People come up and say very nice things about my work, like, 'You were great in 'Blood Diamond!'

The team architecture means setting up an organization that helps people produce that great work in teams.

TV is so seductive with a great workday. You're going to work and making people laugh, and that's fantastic.

It's not unusual for people to like Florida in the winter. I'm not a great tourist. I like coming down to work.

My brother is a great actor. Just because he doesn't harp about his achievements, people don't talk about his work.

It's great to sit and talk about the films and the people I work with, rather than where I buy my socks or whatever.

Scott Aukerman and Judd Apatow are two people who I owe a lot to, and it's always great to work with Scott whenever I can.

Channel 4 are a great bunch of people to work with and the crew are lovely. Working at ITV was like being in the court of Caligula.

Great people want to work on things that matter. Inevitably, a great person working on imaginary work will turn into an unsatisfied person.

I definitely count my blessings. I feel like I've had such a great ride. Early on, to be able to work with some of the people I did, I feel really lucky.

Anytime you want to create something different, you have to convince people that it's O.K. 'We'll be O.K. It's going to work out. It's going to be great.'

I did some great work with my Calvin Klein ads on the motorcycle. It was really groundbreaking because people hadn't seen a woman actually riding a motorcycle before.

But I don't just see the movie when I see the movie, I see all the great people who worked on it and all their hard work, because they could not have worked any harder.

I try not to have high expectations of people because it just sets you up for disappointment, but it's great to work with actors who are that talented and accomplished.

You work really hard on something, and you know you can't always make great work. It just doesn't happen like that, I don't think, at least not for most people, anyways.

I always thought that Bill Murray was one of the great actors that I've worked with. And I've worked with all kinds of people who are known primarily for their dramatic work.

I just really want to continue to play those roles where I really have something to do, and mainly, above all, work with people that I can learn from - directors I think are so great.

If you're lucky enough to work with great actors and creative people, they're always just going to be who they are, so I don't think there's a difference between the Brits and the Americans.

I have a huge admiration for the House of Lords, I have a huge admiration for the people who work in the House of Lords, they're great public servants and they do an absolutely tremendous job.

I've run into a lot of companies that invent positions for great people just so they don't get away. But hiring people when you don't have real work for them is insulting to them and hurtful to you.

Between 'Futurama' and 'Simpsons,' I'm able to work with the voices of Michael Jackson, Dustin Hoffman, and the cast of 'Star Trek.' It's great, you know; it's great to work with such talented people.

'Red Robin' was just another audition, like a lot of other auditions. I just lucked out, and I got it. It's a great group of people I get to work with. Roger Craig Smith and Will Friedle and a bunch of guys. It's fun!

I've been very lucky. I made a choice, getting out of school, to follow the work and the people that really struck my heartstrings; 'Natasha, Pierre & the Great Comet of 1812' was one of those - maybe it was an accident.

I really think that everybody would like to be an actor. Why wouldn't they? It's great work if you can get it. The one thing that prevents most people from saying, 'I'm just gonna go to Hollywood!' is that it seems unrealistic.

I could never forget the dozens upon dozens of people in Atlanta who have been so great to work with across all of the platforms of and CNN Radio, as well as fabulous colleagues at CNN International, HLN, and CNN Espanol.

What you do by having an income tax rate reduction across the board, you really provide great incentives for people to work, produce, and increase output. So I would support a carbon tax in replacement for a progressive income tax.

I've just got into the convention circuit in the last couple of years and it's great to see all these people who are still interested in the show. It's so gratifying to hear that so many people enjoyed the work that Erin and I have done.

Marc Jacobs is full of creative people and Louis Vuitton is again a name on the door, a name that has existed for many years but I'm a collaborator there and I bring in other people, other artists and I work with a great creative design team.

If I were to sum up the negative reactions to my work, I think there are two primary causes: one is that if there is discourse about anxiety it is necessarily going to induce anxiety. It will represent a return of the repressed for a great many people.

Leverage is great when it works, and when it doesn't work, it creates a lot of issues. So I think if you limit the amount of leverage that people can borrow, or that banks can borrow, I think you'll find that you'll have a lot less issues going forward.

There is always this perception that you want to shoot for the top, but I think there's this great place to shoot for the middle and get consistent work and try different things and do the work you want to do with the kind of people you want to do it with.

I started being interested in acting when I heard the voices of Sir Laurence Olivier and Sir John Gielgud and Sir Alec Guinness. I've had the great privilege of working with Sir Derek Jacobi and Sir Anthony Hopkins. These are people who inspire the work that I do.

Well, the senators I've enjoyed working with the most would be Ted Kennedy and Kent Conrad, because they were both either chairman or ranking member of the committee I was chairman or ranking member of. And in both instances they were just great people to work with.

I didn't have a lot of great jobs. I was a third-shift legal proofreader. I did office work for people where a friend might say, 'Hey, we need someone,' in his office, and then I will have a month or two weeks or whatever somewhere. I was - I taught fiction workshops.

'SNL' is one of those jobs where you are constantly reminded of how lucky you are and that you get to meet some of these people whose work you enjoy. Then you get to meet them, and they are just wonderful people. It turns out wonderfully, and you have a great conversation.

I had been on this improv team at this really great improv theater. It's called iO now. It used to be called Improv Olympic. They have showcases for Lorne Michaels and other writers and people who work at 'SNL' usually about once a year, although I don't know if it always happens.

You never know why or when the next job is coming. I actually like that. It's kind of exciting. I don't punch in. I don't have a 9 to 5 job. When you do work you're lucky enough to go to interesting places and meet mostly interesting and talented people, so it's really a great job if you can work.

The main challenge that television presents is that I have a tendency to say things with a great deal of precision and accuracy. Often a description of that sort, which will work in a book because people can read it slowly - they can turn the pages back and so on - doesn't really work on TV because it interrupts the flow of the moving image.

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