I always knew I had to work hard.

Hard work always pays off, whatever you do.

It isn't always hard work that does the job.

I always knew I wanted to work hard at something.

I always try to work hard and well if it's possible.

I've always been taught that hard work doesn't fail.

Always work hard, be honest, and be proud of who you are.

The hard work definitely paid off and hard work always does.

I've always had to work hard for what I've got and to stay where I was.

I've always known that to have anything, you've got to work hard at it.

I always get quite close to my script because I work quite hard on them.

It seems we always exceed even our own expectations-after a lot of hard work, though!

I worked hard, and I was always frustrated when wrestlers didn't want to work as hard.

When I put on a performance I always work so hard, so I have conditioning for 10, 15 rounds.

I always strive to set an example for my kids to work hard and develop a strong sense of work ethic.

I was always a hard worker, but when I was younger I didn't have to put the extra work in like some of the other guys.

Always work hard and have fun in what you do because I think that's when you're more successful. You have to choose to do it.

I was always warned about how hard it was to get work, so I didn't at all expect to get a job before I'd even left LAMDA. I was very realistic about it.

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