The person who does not know how to live while they are making a living is a poorer person after their wealth is won than when they started.

One of my first races came over 10km in 2002. I won that race and it felt great. I would say that is when I first fell in love with running.

Wars may be fought with weapons, but they are won by men. It is the spirit of men who follow and of the man who leads that gains the victory.

In 1952, I recited aloud for the first time, booming in Oxford's Sheldonian Theatre from a bad poem that had won a prize. I was twenty-three.

John Kennedy won the first televised presidential debate among those watching it, while Richard Nixon won among those listening on the radio.

I've coached in Holland, Portugal and Spain and not only won trophies each time, but taken sides to the latter stages of the Champions League.

I spent the afternoon of Sunday 9 July, 2006 in Berlin sleeping and playing the PlayStation. In the evening, I went out and won the World Cup.

Whenever I won an award in the NHL, I thought of my father and the pride he would get in reading about it and having people mention it to him.

In reading the lives of great men, I found that the first victory they won was over themselves... self-discipline with all of them came first.

Honor means that a man is not exceptional; fame, that he is. Fame is something which must be won; honor, only something which must not be lost.

One girl said when I won my gold that was what inspired her to do boxing. She was only 12, and that is the same age I was when I first started.

The future of time, of how it's won or lost, endured or enjoyed, expanded or compressed, will depend on how it's valued, not how it's measured.

My time at Honda was amazing. Some of my best times in Formula One, actually. I might not have won races, just one race, but I had a lot of fun.

I think that all the countries that qualify for a World Cup finals deserve respect and if they are there it is because they have won that right.

I have won the hearts of many. So that matters more than any award. The love of my 'Nehearts' - my fans, is more than inspiring and encouraging.

What matters is the team winning. Even if I only managed to score once or twice all season, if the team won the league title, I'd still be happy.

Everybody knows my life. I won a lot of tournaments and scored more than 1,000 goals, won three World Cups but I could not play in Olympic Games.

Everyone knows that Milan is a historic team: they've won seven Champions Leagues; they've had a lot of strong players and a lot of Ballons d'Or.

Wouldn't it be something if Liberty's votes were enough to change which presidential candidate won Virginia and maybe even the presidency itself?

It's in the Hawks' DNA to win one, so I want to be a part of the Hawks' DNA and the Hawks' lineage of guys who have won a Slam Dunk Championship.

I won the Premier League and played for England but it seems everyone always remembers me best for swearing live on BBC One on a Sunday afternoon.

If I'm watching my favorite boxer, and he's just won the heavyweight championship of the world, and he retires, it kind of makes the guy a legend.

The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses - behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights.

Jurgen Klopp is the perfect role model. He has won so much at Liverpool and for Borussia Dortmund but also he worked for a long period at Mainz 05.

I said back in 2010 when I was rubbish at the European championships, 'If I never win an omnium until 2012, I don't care.' I then won Olympic gold.

When I won my first Grand Slam in Australia, and we came back, I had much more confidence. I had much more belief in my game, about my improvement.

Being gay has nothing to do with the three gold medals or the three MVPs or the four championships I've won. I'm still the same person. I'm Sheryl.

The fight for freedom must go on until it is won; until our country is free and happy and peaceful as part of the community of man, we cannot rest.

There are one-hundred fifty-four games in a season and you can find one-hundred fifty-four reasons why your team should have won every one of them.

I have never won a single award - National or Filmfare - and I just hope they don't give me a Lifetime Achievement Award because I won't accept it.

I remember when I first won the Academy Award and how much I loved it. I just wish there was an award around that you could really believe in again.

I inherited Mom's verbal skills, and participated in forensics and essay contests in elementary school - and won every essay contest I ever entered.

I have won trophies around Europe, but never the title. Three times, I was runner-up. Leicester and the fans will be in my heart for all of my life.

Dorothy Hamill was my big idol as a kid. She'd won the Olympics in 1976. She was America's sweetheart with her personality, her talent, her haircut.

Here in Denver, we want to thank Jeremy Jacobs for the way he runs his business. Otherwise, we wouldn't have gotten Ray Bourque and won a Stanley Cup.

Things with my dad were pretty good until I won an Academy Award. He was really loving to me until I got more attention than he did. Then he hated me.

After Barack Obama won the 2008 presidential election, I was heartened to see him issue an Open Government Initiative on his first full day in office.

My favorite shot is always gonna be the forehand. It used to always be my favorite shot when I was young, so it's the one I've won all the points with.

When I found out I'd won Book of the Year, the first person I called was my mum, who was so happy she cried on the phone. I did a bit too to be honest.

When one ceases from conflict, whether because he has won, because he has lost, or because he cares no more for the game, the virtue passes out of him.

I have won this lottery. It's a gigantic lottery, and it's called And I'm using my lottery winnings to push us a little further into space.

There's been a lot of talk of me being a one-man show but that's simply not the case. We win games when I score 40 points and we've won when I score 10.

'Victory' is like, you won, so the question is, what? What did you win? I think that the songs go into that. It's just about reaching a place in myself.

I approached flying with full enthusiasm and even won a scholarship. Fate, it seems, had other plans and after completing my course, i ended up modeling.

I don't believe a manager ever won a pennant. Casey Stengel won all those pennants with the Yankees. How many did he win with the Boston Braves and Mets?

If it's a close election, then it's better for the Supreme Court to pick the president, whether or not he won the election. It's just insane on its face.

I believe Donald Trump is a good man. He did everything wrong as a candidate, and he won, and I don't understand it. Other than I think God put him there.

Lena Waithe won an Emmy for writing while starring on the Netflix show 'Master of None,' but it might be more accurate to call her a Master of Everything.

Cary Grant never won an Oscar, primarily, I suspect, because he made everything look so effortless. Why reward someone for having fun, for being charming?

The 1st period is won by the best technician. The 2nd period is won by the kid in the best shape. The 3rd period is won by the kid with the biggest heart.

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