I'm proud of doing 'Long Day's Journey into Night,' for which I won an ACE award.

I'd won the Australian Open twice, but winning Wimbledon takes something special.

In games, we know who has won... You get the reinforcement for having played well.

We all remember the people who won the World Series and not the guy who struck out.

I was the youngest world champion in history when I won the WSOP in 1989 at age 24.

I quit working in the police force full time only after I won my third Mr. Olympia.

I won vice president of my student body in high school. That doesn't mean anything.

I served two tours of duty in Vietnam. I won the Bronze Star. I won the Purple Heart.

I won a grand slam with an Audemars Piguet on my wrist, so I feel it is a great match.

After having won a scepter, few are so generous as to disdain the pleasures of ruling.

No coach has ever won a game by what he knows; it's what his players know that counts.

From 1964 to 1968, I won many state, national and international amateur karate titles.

I've got to see the Brexit process through. we won the war, but we must win the peace.

I used to think we were going to win in the '60s. Nixon went out and I thought we won.

I remember people who'd had a lot of hardship during the war. They'd thought we'd won.

If we destroy human rights and rule of law in the response to terrorism, they have won.

I won an amateur night, October 8th, 1985. I went to work the next day and quit my job.

I think there can be some disagreement as to whether Kerry really won Wisconsin or not.

Reagan won because he ran against Jimmy Carter. If he ran unopposed he would have lost.

The achievements which society rewards are won at the cost of diminution of personality.

I believe I have quality, and that's why I won a grand slam, so I know I can do it again.

I won the youth vote in Massachusetts and in California. I did very well with it in Ohio.

We all have different thresholds for sentimentality. For me, it's a hard won happy ending.

To be told you've won a MacArthur fellowship is very flattering and gratifying personally.

I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, and I'm happy, Doctor, I finally won out over it.

I've been nominated for 12 Emmys, and we won - for 'Top Chef' - the only time I didn't go.

Dan Marino never won the big game. Does that mean his career is a failure? No, not at all.

I have never won a race, and that is my main disappointment - but you have to be positive.

Militarily, we succeeded in Vietnam. We won every engagement we were involved in out there.

Service football is extremely respectable and very competitive. They've won some big games.

Empires won by conquest have always fallen either by revolt within or by defeat by a rival.

I'm a crack shot and I've won medals for shooting. But I don't think I could shoot a person.

It's like a dream come true. When somebody is paying you to talk about yourself, you've won.

The day you feel like you've won, you need to drive out of the parking lot and not come back.

In over 160 years of recorded baseball history, no team had ever won a championship this way.

It was only on sympathy wave had KCR won the elections in 2014 and became the chief minister.

I have won 85 caps and have had a great career with Wales and have enjoyed every minute of it.

You can't believe Russell Crowe is the same actor who won an Oscar one year ago for Gladiator.

Professionally, I feel like I won the lottery and I am the luckiest person in the entire world.

I've won many awards and I want more. If you want to call it hunger then I'm hungry for awards.

The thing about it is, all those races we lost, we won this race together. We won it as a team.

We all ended up jumping up and down, hugging each other when Ali won; cause Ali is the greatest.

I'm extremely content with my silver and bronze medals. But once I won the gold, I fell in love.

It is true we have won all our wars, but we have paid for them. We don't want victories anymore.

I was the last person to announce I was running for Congress in a big district, and I still won.

The same people who recognize I came out with no medals should recognize I could have won three.

The real way I became a model is I won a genetic lottery, and I became the recipient of a legacy.

Freedom is never easily won, but once established, freedom lasts, spreads and chokes out tyranny.

When Ronaldinho arrived at Barcelona, they did not win anything. After my arrival, we won it all.

Well, we won the war. You know what that means. In twenty years, we'll all be driving Iraqi cars.

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