If you value yourself, you understand that you are a gift to anyone you meet.

At the end of the day, women are a distraction. Whether you realize it or not.

In 1969, I gave up women and alcohol - it was the worst 20 minutes of my life.

Women who make men talk better than they are accustomed to are always popular.

The primary concern of the human animal is to avoid rejection and abandonment.

One woman reads another's character Without the tedious trouble of deciphering

I'm not denyin' the women are foolish. God Almighty made 'em to match the men.

The thing women have yet to learn is nobody gives you power. You just take it.

In our society, the women who break down barriers are those who ignore limits.

Women are incredible in groups together. Terrifying. Men have nothing on them.

Beware of the man who praises women's liberation; he is about to quit his job.

Confidence is sexy! I'm comfortable with my body and not afraid to show it off

Every woman wants a man who'll fall in love with her soul as well as her body.

All women are flirts, but some are restrained by shyness, and others by sense.

A woman impudent and mannish grown Is not more loath'd than an effeminate man.

It's all to do with the training: you can do a lot if you're properly trained.

You should never let your fears prevent you from doing what you know is right.

We have forgotten that democracy must live as it thinks and think as it lives.

Once a woman has forgiven her man, she must not reheat his sins for breakfast.

A woman is like your shadow; follow her, she flies; fly from her, she follows.

Show me a frigid woman and, nine times out of ten, I'll show you a little man.

The stress of making small talk with in-laws is called being part of a family.

How important it is for us to recognize and celebrate our heroes and she-roes!

The man who enters his wife's dressing room is either a philosopher or a fool.

Women are frightening. If you get to 41 as a man, you're quite battle-scarred.

What they have done over the centuries is evolve the fine use of sexual power.

In New York City, one suicide in ten is attributed to a lack of storage space.

I demanded more rights for women because I know what women had to put up with.

Climb aboard life's elevator, hit the "up" button, and see where it takes you.

I never realized until lately that women were supposed to be the inferior sex.

Men are superior to women. For one thing, men can urinate from a speeding car.

My husband will never chase another woman. He's too fine, too decent, too old.

Women marry men hoping they will change. Men marry women hoping they will not.

The extension of women's rights is the basic principle of all social progress.

If you want something said, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman.

To gain that which is worth having, it may be necessary to lose everything else

Women with money and women in power are two uncomfortable ideas in our society.

The only thing that separates women of color from everyone else is opportunity.

Sometimes the most important conversations are the most difficult to engage in.

If a woman is successful, she'd better duck, because they'll be out to get her.

To generalize on women is dangerous. To specialize in them is infinitely worse.

Striving for excellence motivates you; striving for perfection is demoralizing.

Security is not the meaning of my life. Great opportunities are worth the risk.

Girls can do anything. We do do anything and we expect to be treated as equals.

Never worry about bad press. All that matters is if they spell your name right.

I think that maybe if women and children were in charge we would get somewhere.

Women give us solace, but if it were not for women we should never need solace.

Choices in life are not and should not be determined by our life circumstances.

I feel there is something unexplored about woman that only a woman can explore.

So much conspires to silence us - because our truths are inherently subversive.

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