A man must keep his earnestness nimble, to escape ridicule.

Evidently, quality of wits is more important than quantity.

Wit is better as a seasoning than as a whole dish by itself.

thy wit is a very bitter sweeting; it is a most sharp sauce.

The wit knows that his place is at the tail of a procession.

He is winding the watch of his wit; by and by it will strike.

Sometimes we meet a fool with wit, never one with discretion.

The wit of a family is usually best received among strangers.

He seemeth to be most ignorant that trusteth most to his wit.

Where judgment has wit to express it, there's the best orator.

There is naught a man or woman can not learn who hath the wit.

There must be more malice than love in the hearts of all wits.

Reason is mechanical, wit chemical, and genius organic spirit.

Wit can be beautiful, because it expresses and distills an idea.

Prithee don't screw your wit beyond the compass of good manners.

An ounce of wit that is bought, Is worth a pound that is taught.

Beauties are always curious about beauties, and wits about wits.

Women's beauty, like men's wit, is generally fatal to the owners.

Wits and swords are as straws against the wisdom of the Darkness.

The greatest fault of a penetrating wit is to go beyond the mark.

I think Hamlet is a very funny play - Hamlet is riddled with wit.

Utilising wit in the thick of battle will be your key to victory.

Good-humor will even go so far as often to supply the lack of wit.

The impromptu reply is precisely the touchstone of the man of wit.

One cannot say he wanted wit, but rather that he was frugal of it.

Nor sequent centuries could hitOrbit and sum of Shakespeare's wit.

Drunkenness is the very sepulcher Of man's wit and his discretion.

Of all wit's uses, the main one is to live well with who has none.

If you spend word for word with me, I shall make your wit bankrupt.

Yet here I stand poor fool what more, not one wit wiser than before.

I love Tom Cruise. When Penelope Cruz is through with him, I'm next.

He who doesn't lose his wits over certain things has no wits to lose.

Wit is as infinite as love, and a deal more lasting in its qualities.

My father had extravagant notions of my beauty, grace, wit, and charm.

It is inconceivable how much wit it requires to avoid being ridiculous.

Solving wits and puzzles, in a way, helps to develop wit and ingenuity.

There is a significant Latin proverb; to wit: Who will guard the guards?

What is a epigram? A dwarfish whole. Its body brevity, and wit its soul.

The Cardinal is at his wit's end - it is true that he had not far to go.

An epigram is the marriage of wit and wisdom; a wisecrack, their divorce.

Of Manners gentle, of Affections mild; In Wit a man; Simplicity, a child.

It takes a hell of a lot for a man to put up with me. I can be a handful.

What's the point of havin' a rapier wit if I can't use it to stab people.

Next to being witty, the best thing is being able to quote another's wit.

One science only will one genius fit; so vast is art, so narrow human wit.

We take life too seriously: the office of wit is to correct this tendency.

If brevity is the soul of wit then brevity and levity are the whole of it.

Where might is mixed with wit, there is too good an accord in a government.

The troublesome ones in a family are usually either the wits or the idiots.

He is a first-rate collector who can, upon all occasions, collect his wits.

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