Books give not wisdom where none was before. But where some is, there reading makes it more.

Great men have been among us; hands that penn'd And tongues that utter'd wisdom--better none

The reading of all good books is like a conversation with the finest minds of past centuries.

For all my education, accomplishments, and so called 'wisdom'... I can't fathom my own heart.

He who considers himself a paragon of wisdom is sure to commit some superlatively stupid act.

Nothing is hidden that will not be made known; nothing is secret that will not come to light.

I can do nothing for you but work on can do nothing for me but work on yourself!

If you marry a man who cheats on his wife, you'll be married to a man who cheats on his wife.

One should guard against believing the great masses to be more stupid than they actually are.

The Beloved is with you in the midst of your seeking! He holds your hand wherever you wander.

One of the hardest things to teach a child is that truth is more important than consequences.

Miracles start to happen when you give as much energy to your dreams as you do to your fears.

Some coaches pray for wisdom. I pray for 260-pound tackles. They'll give me plenty of wisdom.

No matter how long he lives, no man ever becomes as wise as the average woman of forty-eight.

Sometimes one likes foolish people for their folly, better than wise people for their wisdom.

The wise are always impatient, for he that increases knowledge increases impatience of folly.

Wisdom we know is the knowledge of good and evil, not the strength to choose between the two.

If the Aborigine drafted an I.Q. test, all of Western civilization would presumably flunk it.

If you've got a today, don't wear it tomorrow. Tomorrow never happens. It's all the same day.

The trouble with most folks isn't their ignorance. It's knowin' so many things that ain't so.

The more responsibility the Scoutmaster gives his patrol leaders, the more they will respond.

I have devoted my life to uncertainty. Certainty is the death of wisdom, thought, creativity.

Wisdom too often never comes, and so one ought not to reject it merely because it comes late.

If those who do not possess knowledge avoid the scholarly discussions, disagreement will end.

The best of man is he who blushes when you praise him and remains silent when you defame him.

When you have a bad day, a really bad day, try to treat the world better than it treated you.

I want to sit in my own sorrow, cry it out, talk to God, and say, 'Give me strength, wisdom.'

Does wisdom perhaps appear on the earth as a raven which is inspired by the smell of carrion?

I believe the day is done. Whether it's been the best day or the worst, it's over; let it go.

Beauty, the eternal Spouse of the Wisdom of God and Angel of his Presence thru' all creation.

The source of joy is within yourself. Unless and until you seek yourself you cannot seek God.

Those men that in their writings are most wise Own nothing but their blind, stupefied hearts.

Wisdom consists not so much in knowing what to do in the ultimate as knowing what to do next.

Success is not about who never fails. It is about who can spring - or even stagger - back up.

The peace produced by grace is a spiritual stability too deep for violence — it is unshakeable

A little rebellion now and then... is a medicine necessary for the sound health of government.

There are two great days in a person's life - the day we are born and the day we discover why.

Wisdom we know is the knowledge of good and evil - not the strength to choose between the two.

When all your desires are distilled; You will cast just two votes: To love more, And be happy.

You know how it is with fathers, you never escape the idea that maybe after all they're right.

A wise man can and should stand above his times, not so the poet, but he should be their apex.

If one is only to talk from first-hand experience, conversation would be a very poor business.

The good news is that the bad news can be turned into good news when you change your attitude.

If there is any danger in the present weather, in the name of God, Monsieur, wait until spring

There are a few men whom slavery holds fast, but there are many more who hold fast to slavery.

Though sages may pour out their wisdom's treasure, there is no sterner moralist than pleasure.

The wise may find in trifles light as atoms in the air, some useful lesson to enrich the mind.

The man who never alters his opinions is like standing water, and breeds reptiles of the mind.

Look at those they call unfortunate and at a closer view, you'll find many of them are unwise.

But if not Kelso, then something else, because a free people must own the nation they live in.

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