A man who builds his own pedestal had better use strong cement.

Proverbs contradict each other. That is the wisdom of a nation.

The one thing I want to leave my children is an honorable name.

Promise is one thing. Fulfilling that promise is quite another.

It is no weakness for the wisest man to learn when he is wrong.

If you want to know the reality, you have to become the spirit.

Knowledge is not what is memorised. Knowledge is what benefits.

Be wiser than other people if you can; but do not tell them so.

It's not what you pay a man, but what he costs you that counts.

... I am sure that you are the first to do what you teach them.

Wisdom is what's left after we've run out of personal opinions.

Fie on the eloquence that leaves us craving itself, not things!

Not doing more than the average is what keeps the average down.

Without wisdom, the future has no meaning, no valuable purpose.

I don't know, I don't care, and it doesn't make any difference.

[A] sick mind cannot be cured by the sheer force of persuasion.

The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their proper name.

We must give the American worker the first option of ownership.

The hypocrite looks for faults; the believer looks for excuses.

How glorious it is - and also how painful - to be an exception.

He is happy in his wisdom who has learned at another's expense.

Nothing that you have not given away will ever be really yours.

Once in a while there's wisdom in recognizing that the Boss is.

The wisest man is generally he who thinks himself the least so.

Violence is not completely fatal until it ceases to disturb us.

One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.

Don't taunt the alligator until after you've crossed the creek.

He is no wise man who will quit a certainty for an uncertainty.

Seek the fellowship of those who enjoy fellowship with the Lord

Doing nothing is happiness for children and misery for old men.

Wise people are foolish if they cannot adapt to foolish people.

Don't drive as if you own the road; drive as if you own the car.

Swim upstream. Go the other way. Ignore the conventional wisdom.

The code of the knight is still the code of the gentleman today.

Solitude is an ocean with wonderful places hidden in its depths.

Is there anyone so wise as to learn by the experience of others?

It's just as evil to kill Vietnamese as it is to kill Americans.

The hardest tumble a man can make is to fall over his own bluff.

A man should always consider how much he has more than he wants.

The function of wisdom is to discriminate between good and evil.

One who directs to good is rewarded similar to the doer of good.

Without the body, the wisdom of the larger self cannot be known.

The way to win an atomic war is to make certain it never starts.

The possession of facts is knowledge; the use of them is wisdom.

Accept and allow. This is the key to living a life full of Love.

How poor is the wisdom of men, and how uncertain their forecast!

I believe empathy is the most essential quality of civilization.

I'm so overexposed, I'm making Paris Hilton look like a recluse.

Guard your tongue from praise as you have guarded it from blame.

Will and wisdom are both mighty leaders. Our times worship will.

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