We cannot let the right wing roll back more than thirty years of social progress.

This morning came on to me, silver wings silhouetted against the child's sunrise.

If enough people would come out the right wing, the extremists couldn't dominate.

Death wins nothing here, gnawing wings that amputate–– then spread, lift up, fly.

They cripple the bird's wing, and then condemn it for not flying as fast as they.

To be in the media is to be in the wings. Being in politics is being on the stage.

Cut the Wings of your Hens and Hopes, lest they lead you a weary Dance after them.

Poetry is a fossil rock-print of a fin and a wing, with an illegible oath between.

In the dark days of your life, you will need the wings of hope to continue flying.

Humility and purity are the wings which carry us to God and make us almost divine.

Art is the stored honey of the human soul, gathered on wings of misery and travail.

It is not the lefty ass-kissers you have to agitate, but the objective left-wing...

People are like birds: on the wing, all beautiful; up close, all beady little eyes.

Man is of soul and body, formed for deeds Of high resolve; on fancy's boldest wing.

Traveling - it offers you a hundred roads to adventure, and gives your heart wings!

Love without esteem cannot go far or reach high. It is an angel with only one wing.

If you are not afraid of rising, you will see that wings start growing in your body!

The firefly only shines when on the wing, So it is with us--when we stop, we darken.

Time never bears such moments on his wing as when he flies too swiftly to be marked.

When we are touched by something it's as if we're being brushed by an angel's wings.

So I wouldn't see Wings as a band that would go into the Hall of Fame, to be honest.

Mechanical wings allow us to fly, but it is with our minds that we make the sky ours

You are not meant for crawling, so don't. You have wings. Learn to use them and fly.

Debates require a lot of hard work and preparation. If you try to wing it, it shows.

I have dined with kings, I've been offered wings. And I've never been too impressed.

My dad has given me the best gift anyone has ever given me. He gave me wings to fly.

Love's mind of judgment rarely hath a taste: Wings and no eyes figure unheedy haste.

After the sharp-eyed jay and the roaring lion, peace will come on dove's gentle wing.

Beauty has wings, and too hastily flies, and love, unrewarded, soon sickens and dies.

At best, Trumpism will be a more right-wing version of the same old Republican Party.

Every Left-wing hysteria of my lifetime has turned out to be untrue. Every single one

Time, as he passes us, has a dove's wing, Unsoil'd, and swift, and of a silken sound.

Life here with the things of the earth is a sinking, a defeat, a failing of the wing.

Blest paper-credit! last and best supply! That lends corruption lighter wings to fly!

'Filly Brown' gave me the wings to fly, but red carpets are still very uncomfortable.

The bird that hath been limed in a bush, with trembling wings misdoubteth every bush.

To callow wings no flight is too high to attempt. At sixteen all things are possible.

kindnesses have wings and roots ... wings that never droop, and roots that never die.

Sequoia seeds have flat wings, and glint and glance in their flight like a boy's kite.

Fan the sinking flame of hilarity with the wing of friendship; and pass the rosy wine.

The function of the wing is to take what is heavy and raise it up in the region above.

Very few cities in the NHL have the history or the following of the Detroit Red Wings.

Only a free West can help the prisoners of today's left- and right-wing dictatorships.

Tradition and conscience are the two wings given to the human soul to reach the truth.

I don’t mind hot and spicy. Actually find that appealing in a girl. And chicken wings.

You have always given me more than I gave to you. You were the wings on which I soared.

If you gave wings to a cat, it would not condescend to be a bird. It would be an angel.

My soul is awakened, my spirit is soaring and carried aloft on the wings of the breeze.

Left wing, right wing, I am wingless and tired of trying to fly. Here comes the ground.

Faith and Reason are like two wings of the human spirit by which is soars to the truth.

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