I learned by standing in the wings and watching established acts on stage.

I love the recklessness of faith. First you leap, and then you grow wings.

Mothers are only human, you turn it over to God and then you just wing it.

The music that I really jive with is the ELO sound and maybe Wings as well.

Time's fatal wings do ever forward fly; To every day we live, a day we die.

Wings' was my moment to free myself from everything that was destroying me.

[Al] Franken is left-wing and funny. He's a pretty good political humorist.

I can play left-back; I can play in midfield or on the left or right wings.

I'll never understand those greasy little deep-fried wings most bars serve.

If I see someone saying the rosary in the wings, I know they've got talent.

Perfect as the wing of a bird may be, it will never enable the bird to fly.

In this world, you've a soul for a compass and a heart for a pair of wings.

O youth! thou often tearest thy wings against the thorns of voluptuousness.

Pain has a way of clipping our wings and keeping us from being able to fly.

The evils of mortals are manifold; nowhere is trouble of the same wing seen.

Short swallow-flights of song, that dip Their wings in tears, and skim away.

What the right-wing in the United States tries to do is undermine the press.

I have mostly been eating chicken wings. I only stick to things I can spell.

There are two things children should get from their parents: roots and wings.

I'm learning to fly, but I ain't got wings. Coming down is the hardest thing.

When Donald Duck traded his wings for arms, was he trading up or trading down?

May the hinges of friendship never rust, nor the wings of love lose a feather.

You are a lover. Borrow Cupid's wings and soar with them above a common bound.

Every time John Travolta assaults a masseur, a scientologist gets their wings.

I know parents have a hard time letting their kids spread their wings and fly.

By two wings a man is lifted up from things earthly: by simplicity and purity.

I believe that if one always looked at the skies, one would end up with wings.

A rune, hovering like an angel: a shape like two wings joined by a single bar.

Cara: *Flies* Gen: What? I don't have wings! Cara: Ofcourse not! You're a boy.

Backstage life is terrific training for an actor, seeing shows from the wings.


I think our job as parents is to give our kids roots to grow and wings to fly.

I'm not, nor is anybody I know in government part of a nasty right wing clique.

Living unloved is like clipping a bird's wings and removing its ability to fly.

Stand up! Keep your backs straight! Remember that this is where the wings grow.

When it is moving on luxurious wings, The soul is lost in pleasant smotherings.

Every time you hear a bell ring, it means that some angel's just got his wings.

The West Wing seems to be feeding the myth about how presidential politics are.

Run my dear, From anything That may not strengthen Your precious budding wings.

I could have spread my wings and done a thousand things I've never done before.

It is often true that those who sit in the wings can see more than the players.

Whoever invented the word 'grace' must have seen the wing-folding of the plover.

Dare to be brave today, and trust that when you extend your wings, you will fly.

There are only two words with four letters which can make us fly: Wing and Love.

The right wing walks the walk; the left wing taxes the people that walk the walk

Living at risk is jumping off the cliff and building your wings on the way down.

Pleasures take to themselves wings and fly away; true knowledge remains forever.

I hear the howl of the wind that brings The long drear storm on its heavy wings.

A lie has no legs, and cannot stand; but it has wings, and can fly far and wide.

Ignorance is the curse of God; knowledge is the wing wherewith we fly to heaven.

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