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My only regret in life is that I did not drink more wine.
What I like to drink most is wine that belongs to others.
When there is plenty of wine, sorrow and worry take wing.
Wine is like the incarnation--it is both divine and human
I never drink without a thirst, either present or future.
Beaujolais is the only white wine that happens to be red.
I always wear blue shirts and I like wine or purple ties.
Good wine is a good familiar creature if it be well used.
We always say the wine tastes a little better after a win.
A cup of hot wine with not a drop of allaying Tiber in 't.
Gin for executions, beer for birthdays, wine for weddings.
Age can be wonderful for red wine, but not for spacecraft.
With wine, poetry, or virtue as you choose. But get drunk.
Come sit with me! Let us drink the holy wine of happiness.
I drink red wine every night and chamomile tea before bed.
Champagne is the only wine that enhances a woman's beauty.
The connoisseur does not drink wine but tastes its secrets
Critics have done the wine industry a lot of good overall.
I'd much rather eat pasta and drink wine than be a size 0.
The best people, like the best wines, come from the hills.
Wine prepares the heart for love, unless you take too much.
I never drank except a couple sips of wine at Thanksgiving.
Always carry a corkscrew and the wine shall provide itself.
Because wine means the responsible part of the day is over.
Good wine is good. Great wine is great. More wine is better.
The wine they drink in Paradise They make in Haute Lorraine.
Politicians and music don't mix. It's like whiskey and wine.
Great love affairs start with Champagne and end with tisane.
No phone, a movie, a glass of wine, and some salad. Perfect!
I opened a restaurant that had nothing but California wines.
Art is wine and experience is the brandy we distill from it.
Good company, good wine, good welcome, can make good people.
Give me wine to wash me clean of the weather-stains of cares
Good wine, well drunk, can lend majesty to the human spirit.
One drop of wine is enough to redden a whole glass of water.
Difficult choices, unlike red wine, rarely improve with age.
There are many wines that taste great, but do not drink well
The world of wine is more creative than the world of cooking.
As you get older, you shouldn't waste time drinking bad wine.
Gaming, women, and wine, while they laugh they make men pine.
Judgement of beauty can err, what with the wine and the dark.
If Plato is a fine red wine, then Aristotle is a dry martini.
Sarcasm is like cheap wine - it leaves a terrible aftertaste.
They treat my stuff like wine. It just gets better with time.
Champagne had the taste of an apple peeled with a steel knife.
Go fetch to me a pint o' wine, An' fill it in a silver tassie.
Wealth, women and wine can make anything happen in this world!
If Claret is the king of natural wines, Burgundy is the queen.
Wine is one of the agreeable and essential ingredients of life
Baby, shut up and let me drink the wine from your fur tea cup.