The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and ...

The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.

Win or lose, do it fairly.

Win or lose, just stay calm.

Win or lose, I always learn something.

Prepare to win, or lose to someone who is.

I know it's not a one man team win or lose.

Win or lose, we go shopping after the election.

Win or lose, I always focus only on giving my 100%.

When you win or lose, no-one dies: you win, or you lose.

I don't fight to win or lose. I fight to entertain people.

We need to be behind Man United always when they win or lose.

Whether you win or lose, you need to stay on a level platform.

Win or lose, I'll feel good about myself. That's what is important.

It's up to us to choose whether we win or lose...and I choose to win.

Listen to me, kitten. Win or lose, you’ll always be a princess to me.

Win or lose, I believe in giving my best and that is what I always do.

Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.

The only thing I can do is fight. Win or lose, I'm here every damn time.

From the moment that a fight ends, that fight is in the past, win or lose.

Whoever said, 'It's not whether you win or lose that counts,' probably lost.

You can tell a lot about a man's character by watching him win or lose money.

In war, you win or lose, live or die - and the difference is just an eyelash.

Nothing is so unproductive as the law. It is expensive whether you win or lose.

Tennis is mostly mental. You win or lose the match before you even go out there.

It's not whether you win or lose, it's how many people remember you when you die.

I can't say, 'It doesn't matter if you win or lose.' It's not true. You go in to win.

A true champion is a true champion. They go fight and win or lose, give it their all.

Win or lose, I'm going to leave everything on the mat. That's what gold medalists do.

No matter if you win or lose, the most important thing in life is to enjoy what you have.

Whether you win or lose against English teams, you always feel it's been a proper contest.

I'm someone who believes in having motivation at all times, win or lose, individual awards.

When I go to Japan, they don't care if you win or lose; they just want to see a good fight.

We're gracious and we're humble, and we play the game a certain way, whether we win or lose.

Win or lose, I've been fortunate to be able to pitch deep enough into games to get decisions.

When you play Bobby, it is not a question if you win or lose. It is a question if you survive.

The real peril of war lies not in military defeat. It lies in war itself, whether we win or lose.

For me, whether we win or lose, every match is giving me a lot of information about how to improve.

Acting is like a sporting match; a tennis game, but no one should win or lose. The game's the thing!

Win or lose, star or not, you wait for your car with everyone else, and waiting for your car is a drag.

In football, you can win or lose. We always have to be together, with the same spirit we've always had.

I've won; I've lost. I'm at the point where I do what I believe in and, win or lose, believe in what I do.

Nobody likes to hear it, because it's dull, but the reason you win or lose is darn near always the same - pitching.

I've always done my best inside the Octagon, fought the best there is, and win or lose, I've done my best in my fights.

I don't care if I win or lose; I know I'm going to give 110%, and I'm going to hold my head high at the end of the day.

Win or lose, I'm up all night. I've been that way since college - I'm going over everything in my head: woulda, coulda, shoulda.

As you get older you play in more important games and that is when you start thinking about what will happen if you win or lose.

When a sports movie really works, it gets you on all levels, because the stakes are high. It's black and white. It's win or lose.

You know, I think He honestly does care about how we play on the field, more than anything more than win or lose our hearts on the field.

When games are close together you have to draw a line under the first match whether you win or lose, and then start again for the next one.

I truly believe you have to take things as they come, win or lose, and keep believing in how you want to do things and how you want to play.

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