She was fragile, gentle, wide awake in a sleeping world.

Wide awake I can make my most fantastic dreams come true.

Society is composed of slow Christians and wide-awake sinners.

It takes a person who is wide awake to make his dream come true.

Now it's clear to me/ that everything you see/ ain't always what it seems.

I need quiet and solitude to work. Darkness is best. If I am wide awake, I can't write.

Learning sleeps and snores in libraries, but wisdom is everywhere, wide awake, on tiptoe.

You know what it’s like when you’re trying to fall asleep and it only makes you more wide awake?

Our species needs, and deserves, a citizenry with minds wide awake and a basic understanding of how the world works.

I can get a call at 2 A.M., and the person on the other end is like: 'Sorry, did I wake you?' and I'm like: 'No, I'm wide awake.'

I live a super-healthy lifestyle not because it's sensible or that I'm contrite, but because I need to keep my focus on the music I'm making. To do that, I need to be wide awake.

Sometimes I'll do something when I'm tired at night, and it'll sound hot. But in the morning, when I'm wide awake, I'll listen again and think it's way off. Nobody else would notice it, but I'm like, I've got to fix that!

There's always been some concern that adult subject matter should be quarantined from a page that attracts children. Unlike late at night, when 'South Park' and 'Colbert' are on, impressionable minds are wide awake when the newspaper arrives.

I would say practical progressive, which means that the Republican party or any political party has got to recognize the problems of a growing and complex industrial civilization. And I don't think the Republican party is really wide awake to that.

During my life, I have had a few nightmares which happened to me while I was wide awake. One of them was the National Republican Convention in San Francisco, which produced the greatest disaster the Republican Party has ever known - Nominee Barry Goldwater.

Even though disciplined sleeping habits and the adrenalin of live radio ensures that we are very awake while on duty, there is evidence of a phenomenon called circadian desynchronosis which causes one's brain to function slowly at those times of day when it thinks it should be asleep, regardless how wide awake the body is.

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