The universe is a continuous web. Touch it at any point and the whole web quivers.

What good would it be to possess the whole universe if one were its only survivor?

What transpires for the least significant member transpires at once for the whole.

You must call up every strength you own And you can rip off the whole facial mask.

He who reads a story only once is condemned to read the same story his whole life.

The whole thing is, do as much as you can, when you possibly can, and don't stress.

I was going to go to Macchu Picchu and then I just ended up working the whole year.

The whole aim of comparative anatomy is to discover what structures are homologous.

Ultimately, the entire universe...has to be understood as a single undivided whole.

In the morning a man walks with his whole body; in the evening, only with his legs.

The whole art of war consists of guessing at what is on the other side of the hill.

I stayed involved with music my whole life. I was always playing with other people.

I can't edit the materials I work with. My remit is to work with nature as a whole.

The whole rise of new adult contemporary music and smooth jazz was a nice surprise.

Gallia est omnis divisa in partes tres. Gaul as a whole is divided into three parts.

When I look back on my life as a whole, it is impossible for me not to feel blessed.

Chocolate doesn't solve everything, Nana." "It solves a whole heck of a lot, though.

The whole idea is to enable you to see mentally the picture at all hours of the day.

The whole world is covered in graffiti. No one cares. It's just part of urban noise.

In the whole round of human affairs little is so fatal to peace as misunderstanding.

By faith we began, by hope we continue, and by revelation we shall obtain the whole.

Women think with their whole bodies and they see things as a whole more than men do.

Eating good food is my favourite thing in the whole world. Nothing is more blissful.

The end of education is to see men made whole, both in competence and in conscience.

Theater opened up a whole new world for me. It was a freedom I'd never known before.

I hated my whole childhood, hated it, hated it, hated it. There was no place for me.

Life is not shrinking for me; it's morphing into a whole new world of possibilities.

Anybody who claims that they know where this whole thing is all going is just lying.

From one seed a whole handful: that was what it meant to say the bounty of the earth.

Some men are great enough that they can love a whole woman, and not just part of her.

My father is from Mississippi, and I heard stories of racial injustice my whole life.

My whole story is straight mythical. It's tangible, but it's also what life could be.

I wore glasses my whole life, but then I got Lasik eyeball surgery, and I fixed that.

I can't imagine having the courage to ask a publisher to do a whole book of my poems.

The whole Baja California peninsula is an energetic place, and it's incredibly alive.

If you do something with your whole heart and it's a mistake, you can live with that.

If this whole writing thing doesn't work out, I'll be getting right back on the pole.

The whole institution of marriage itself really has no place in a progressive society.

I am part and parcel of the whole and cannot find God apart from the rest of humanity.

Beyond a certain point, the whole universe becomes a continuous process of initiation.

When people accept breaking the law as normal, something happens to the whole society.

The sum of the parts equals less than the whole. Or the howl. Or the how. Or the hole.

To be nothing - is that not, after all, the most satisfactory fact in the whole world?

I was raised by vegan parents, and we ate out of my backyard garden for my whole life.

The uncertainty of death is, in effect, the great support of the whole system of life.

There's going to be ups and downs throughout the whole year. You can't get frustrated.

Politically, of course, it's to the Right, but then the whole country is to the Right.

You watch the game, you don't see Busquets. You watch Busquets, you see the whole game.

There is not a truth existing which I fear... or would wish unknown to the whole world.

I did not know what it was to be happy for a whole day at a time, scarcely for an hour.

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