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In the Bill Clinton years, the foreign leader who visited the White House most often was Yasser Arafat - 13 times.
I don't think I suffer from Trump derangement syndrome in a sense that I can separate the man from the White House.
The terrorist action of 9/11 gave birth to President Obama's entry to the White House. Not directly, but indirectly.
There are a very limited number of people in senior roles at the White House, and time is their most precious asset.
The pundit world, having spent years in awe of Karl Rove, will never understand how bad he is at his White House job.
I've been to the White House and had Hilary Clinton push through the crowd to come and meet me. Chelsea Clinton, too.
The White House is giving George W. Bush intelligence briefings. You know, some of these jokes just write themselves.
Conservatives looking at presidential candidates have to ask what kind of leader they want sitting in the White House.
If Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan get elected to the White House, Medicare will be bankrupt by the end of their first term.
I want you to remember when our White House reflected the best of who we are, not the worst of what Europe has become.
White House operatives went to great lengths to show Obama shifting focus from wars abroad to domestic issues at home.
Trump is as hollow a vessel as there has ever been in the White House. His rule lacks even a shred of moral authority.
If you are as happy in entering the White House as I shall feel on returning to Wheatland, you are a happy man indeed.
Page one of any economic plan to get America working is to give a pink slip to the current resident in the White House.
I was never invited to the White House. They invited that Olympic Russian gymnast - that little Communist, Olga Korbut.
I finally learned to accept that I can't make radio play blues any more than I could get Reagan out of the White House.
The race for the White House is normally an event suffused with drama, sucking eyeballs to the page all over the globe.
Work continuously to trim the White House staff from your first day to your last. All the pressures are to the contrary.
I think aggressive, sometimes outspoken reporting from the White House briefing room is expected by the American people.
It's not just Barack Obama, but I doubt Jimmy Carter or Bill Clinton would have made it to the White House without Selma.
George W. Bush is a leader, and that's what we need in the White House. George Bush is someone you can believe and trust.
There's a big gap between 'Click the link to send an e-mail to your congressman' and 'Chain yourself to the White House.'
If forced to choose between the penitentiary and the White House for four years, I would say the penitentiary, thank you.
As press secretary, I spent countless hours defending the administration from the podium in the White House briefing room.
The White House is a serious place, with serious people, doing serious work. If you're not careful, it can grind you down.
I spent three years working at the White House and wanted to do something that wasn't about passing bills and resolutions.
Anyone who listens to the Nixon White House would recognize that Nixon, who was in the Navy, was no stranger to profanity.
The dream was not to put one black family in the White House, the dream was to make everything equal in everybody's house.
I met Donald Trump in 2003 on a reality show. Could you ever imagine then that we would end up in the White House together?
I think it's time we had a president who carried the same life experiences into the White House as most ordinary Americans.
According to the White House, the president's proposed 2016-2017 spending would add - get this - $62 billion to the deficit.
If President Barack Obama had not been in the White House, we would not have the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau today.
I've driven a Formula One car, flown a helicopter, flown with the Red Arrows, met kings and queens, been to the White House.
With Ronald Reagan in the White House, somebody had to look out for those who were not so fortunate. That's where I came in.
I worked at the White House in the early Reagan administration at a time when the deficit rocket really started to take off.
I don't know any member of Congress who ever said, 'I'm satisfied with the communication that we have from the White House.'
Together, we will lead our party back to the White House, and we will lead our country back to safety, prosperity, and peace.
There mustn't be a moment when we turn on the TV and think, 'There's Trump in the White House' - that must never feel normal.
In China, we had some buildings that looked like the White House or wine bottles. All they seemed to represent was bad taste.
I used to imagine working as a White House staffer some day, so it was pretty amazing to be there... realizing another dream.
You know, people'd always ask 'Why is Jesse Jackson running for the White House?' They never seen the house I'm running from.
Governors, all things being equal, I'd rather have a governor in the White House than somebody that's not had that experience.
There's something about a new family moving into the White House that's kind of interesting, even if you didn't vote for them.
During my many hours on the Acela, I have taken to watching 'The West Wing,' Aaron Sorkin's drama of an idealised White House.
When I worked at the White House in the mid-1990s, I would not have dreamed of sharing my beliefs on faith with my colleagues.
Melania and the White House had accused me of criminal activity, had publicly shamed and fired me, and made me their scapegoat.
Those looking for ideology in the White House should consider this: For the men who rule our world, rules are for other people.
I was at a White House Correspondents' Dinner, and I met Bobby Jindal, and we had a perfectly lovely twenty minute conversation.
'Hamilton' is, of course, closely tied to the Obamas because Lin first performed the opening number at a White House poetry jam.
Can anyone understand how it is to have lived in the White House and then, suddenly, to be living alone as the President's widow?