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Don't be afraid of who sits in the White House. God can triumph over Trump.
There's no job that will humble you like the White House press secretary job.
I'd rather go to the White House Correspondents' dinner than any awards show.
The ties between the Obama White House and the hip-hop community are genuine.
Kennedy was a man who liked writers and even I got invited to the White House.
I think the White House is a better place for not having a Steve Bannon in it.
I have gone to White House dinners in a dress that I have bought at Loehmann's.
I guess I would use my son's word: cool. It was cool to work in the White House.
I was in the trade field as White House fellow in the first Bush administration.
Congress, the White House, and Hollywood, Wall Street, are owned by the Zionists.
I tell people, 'If you want to send a message to the White House, call my house.'
I don't think that there is a beer summit in the cards for me at the White House.
I had some adventures at the White House, but hardly enough to fill a full memoir.
To have people to the White House and worry about the price of things is laughable.
People say satire is dead. It's not dead; it's alive and living in the White House.
One thing is perfectly clear: We don't need another China crony in the White House!
From the moment I walked into the White House, it was as if I had no privacy at all.
I'm the only fighter to ever go to the White House and meet with a sitting president.
If I'm not comfortable, I'm not happy. When I go to the White House, I wear my jeans.
We absolutely look at larger trends and reactions on Twitter here at the White House.
Over the years, Judicial Watch has called out many White House conflicts of interest.
It kills me not to be there, not to be in the White House doing what needs to be done.
On immigration, there are a lot of hurdles before anything arrives at the White House.
Barack Obama's journey to the White House has impressed and inspired the entire world.
The White House isn't the only platform with a voice. ABC has a pretty big voice, too.
All I really had was my talent. Without that I wouldn't be welcome at the White House.
I'm working as hard as I can to get a rescue dog into the White House. It'd be a dream.
I wish I had known when I was in the White House what I know now about the Third World.
Do you know what White House correspondents call actors who pose as reporters? Anchors.
When I was back in Cuba, who could have imagined I would be invited to the White House!
We have every confidence that people within the White House have behaved appropriately.
I want to see overwhelming force repel anybody who is trying to get into the White House.
'First Family' on the CW is about the president and his family living in the White House.
Every child in America fantasizes about running wild in the White House for a few minutes.
Phones rang constantly, as if the White House was conducting some kind of pardon telethon.
The one thing I didn't want to do was a show about the White House. I was too close to it.
I've said all along we need a chief executive, not a chief politician, in the White House.
There have not been children of comparable youth in the White House since the Kennedy era.
People don't realize there's a whole separate entrance to the White House for journalists.
It defies all common sense to send that roughneck ward politician back to the White House.
It is true that when you're in the White House alone, it is a lonely place. Big and lonely.
If you're in the White House, it's your house, and you can invite whatever friend you want.
I think that winning the White House is about more than just entertaining a large audience.
I was given no special information by the White House, or by anybody else, for that matter.
But presidents matter. That's one of the biggest lessons I learned being in the White House.
I don't think the White House has always reflected the textures and flavors of this country.
If Bush does make it to the White House, he and Laura should have Ken Starr over for dinner.
You don't need to know who's playing on the White House tennis court to be a good president.
Carter's done a lot more good since he's been out of the White House than when he was in it.
Every decision that they take has enormous consequences, and ripple out from the White House.