On 'Awake,' we would take a couple hours per scene. Whereas on 'Anger Management,' we can take maybe 10 minutes on a scene if we're lucky.

I think indie films have more of a fresh, experimental vibe about them, whereas studio films know what they want and can basically get it.

In science, a healthy skepticism is a professional necessity, whereas in religion, having belief without evidence is regarded as a virtue.

' Shoes' is very pink and yellow, and maybe orange, very bright, whereas 'Midnight Moonlight' is purple and blue and - I don't know - gray.

There are people who enjoy the life in England but don't pay a penny in tax, whereas my footballers pay more than half their income in tax.

My mum is a bit unconventional; she's outdoorsy and has more of an emotional intelligence, whereas my dad is pragmatic; he's a businessman.

A man can add to his sexuality by being funny, whereas a woman can diminish hers. I don't know why that's the case: it's completely unfair.

I'm constantly trying to find something that's different from me, whereas some actors do the same thing, again and again. That's not for me.

Grief has limits, whereas apprehension has none. For we grieve only for what we know has happened, but we fear all that possibly may happen.

Modern society places an emphasis on individual responsibility, whereas Islam places an emphasis on collective responsibility and the family.

In France, it's easy to know which team is going to win the game, whereas in England, anywhere you play, you know it's going to be difficult.

People can get lost in the movie star world. They can't check in with reality, whereas I live at home with me girl, surrounded by real people.

It was wrongly assumed that I wished to become some sort of leader among gay activists, whereas in reality I was happier to be a foot soldier.

The simple truth is that balding African-American men look cool when they shave their heads, whereas balding white men look like giant thumbs.

Society and medicine treat us all as members of populations, whereas as individuals we are all unique, and population statistics do not apply.

Brits are very, very expressive, whereas the Soviet and Eastern European way is much more stern, stone-faced. Vladimir Putin-esque in some way.

When I get in the ring, I get to work very aggressively and solid, whereas with the Lord thing there were a lot of facials and stuff like that.

You wouldn't want to be called a sell-out by selling a product. Selling out was frowned on, whereas now you can major in it at business school.

After all, every murderer when he kills runs the risk of the most dreadful of deaths, whereas those who kill him risk nothing except promotion.

And verily, a woman need know but one man well, in order to understand all men; whereas a man may know all women and understand not one of them.

You can spend an entire day walking around in New York, whereas in L.A., it always ends at some point because you have to find a way to get home.

People in Mumbai are not really into Punjabi music, whereas those in Delhi and Gurgaon love Punjabi numbers and are totally into the peppy music.

'Johnny' was always a lone wolf when he got on stage. Him against the world, whereas suddenly, when I got into acting, people were relying on me.

Movies take a long time because movies take a long damn time to put work into. Whereas music, you don't have as much time. I didn't realize that.

Gandalf the Grey was always the guy I prefer. Gandalf the White was driven to do a particular job, whereas Gandalf the Grey is a bit more humane.

Managers will tell people what to do, whereas leaders will inspire them to do it, and there are a few things that go into the ability to inspire.

An actor can change himself to fit a part, whereas a personality has to change the part to fit himself. The personality has to say it his own way.

In fashion, my inspiration comes from pop culture - the 1960s and the following years. Whereas in interior design, my influences are much broader.

When you work for something it will eventually happen and it will be lasting, whereas when things are easy they do not always hold the same value.

In this world, shipmates, sin that pays its way can travel freely, and without passport; whereas Virtue, if a pauper, is stopped at all frontiers.

A bad guy always assumes he's going to win, whereas the good guy has to struggle with, what if I lose?, and the audience wants to struggle with him.

Some lads were dribblers, some lads just loved scoring goals, whereas I enjoyed and took pride in practicing my passing and that. That's how it was.

Photography seduces us into thinking we can believe photographs, whereas we can't really believe that a picture can tell us any kind of truth at all.

I've never taught one, because if I taught one, I'd have to teach others... I would give myself over to a slavery, whereas I want to stay a free man.

Whereas the U.S. views its naval role in the Pacific as a force for keeping the seas free for navigation by all, China sees things quite differently.

My mum is Croatian, and obviously she's female and she's very emotional, very hot-blooded, very touchy-feely, whereas I think my dad's quite British.

In '42,' it's like the '40s where racial equality had come into the consciousness of a lot of people, whereas in the 1900s it was sort of a new thing.

I'm not very proud of coming from a place that everyone thinks is this pure green country whereas, in reality, all our lakes and waterways are poison.

Whereas, in the personal realm, Sharon is a very sensitive person whose eyes often grow moist, in the national realm, he is entirely without emotions.

Most firms do two investments a year. They may talk to between 50 and 100 and do a couple, whereas we're talking to thousands and doing several hundred.

I'm very similar to Chandler in many ways, although Chandler is funnier than me, and Chandler absolutely hates his job whereas I absolutely love my job.

There is a way that a younger person can accept the inevitable problem that they're going to die, whereas somebody a little bit older might be overcome.

Girls are so quick to say they can't do something, and they won't even try, whereas boys tend to just go for something even if it's probably a bad idea.

Costume design allows you to do a different type of research and create characters, whereas in fashion, you create an image and clothing for the masses.

There will be some tracks on the next album which that will consist of mostly noise and feedback, whereas others may just have guitar parts and samples.

Whereas European films have traditionally been able to go into adult relationships. I think there's a huge audience in America for those kinds of films.

My dad was a basketball coach, and so I went to his games. But baseball was the sport I could enjoy with him, whereas with basketball, I wasn't with him.

I kind of want to continue to fail, because it's easier for me to think of what I want to do next. Whereas if I succeed I might have to follow that path.

I'm really shy with my acting when it's off, because the camera gives me an excuse to be in character, whereas otherwise I would just feel like an idiot.

The Soviet Union collapsed without a lot of people thinking it should or would, whereas for Estonia, it was something we'd been praying for for 60 years.

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