Now, it it well known that one cannot step on a tack without saying something about it.

It's well known that I play aggressively. When I'm not doing that, I'm not doing my job.

My favorite, and I repeat it often while swimming is from a well known coach around here

'Marie Claire' is one of those magazines that doesn't feel as well known as it should be.

Anyone who's putting money into your movie would always rather you cast well-known people.

It's well known that many girls have a tendency to dumb down when they're in middle school.

[Mitt] Romney looks the part and is well known around the world and has a lot of experience.

I am a conservative thinker, well known as such, outspoken as such but reasonable in my view.

It is well known that Beauty does not look with a good grace on the timid advances of Humour.

Yusuf Qaradawi is probably the most well-known legal authority in the whole Muslim world today.

Persian social manners are well known, and there is no other society that can compete with them.

My more risky or avant garde music is not that well known to a wider audience, but I wish it was.

It is a sad fate for a man to die too well known to everybody else, and still unknown to himself.

It's a well known thing that ordinary perceptions can have a strange aspect when one is travelling.

My mother is an actress and very well known in France; hence, I move to London to start my own life.

It is a well-known fact that we always recognize our homeland at the moment we are about to lose it.

It's pretty well known that the CIA has been installing friendly dictators around the world for years.

You've got two people that are well known in South Dakota, respected. We'll see how it all shakes out.

It is well known that I am pro-life... but I would not seek to impose my views on the Canadian people.

For an incumbent like a president, who's been in the news every day, their family, they're well known.

Ashtanga yoga is a well known practice for keeping yourself fit and healthy. Yoga is good for my body.

I make up new lyrics to well-known lullabies. Mostly because I don't actually know a lot of the lyrics.

The destructive impact of employment tribunal fees, which were introduced in 2013, is by now well known.

It is well known that, when two authors meet, they at once start talking about money-like everyone else.

It's well-known that men and women are different but it keeps being re-discovered with great excitement.

Success for some people, depends on becoming well-known, for others it depends on never being found out.

People's sex habits are as well known in Hollywood as their political opinions, and much less criticized.

It's a great experience just to understand that finally being well known is not the most important thing.

Britain has lots of celebrities who are well known and admired today, but we don't seem to have any heroes.

You really have to be ambitious and have that drive to really become well known and successful as a standup.

It is well known that the Soviet Union closely regulates all organizations and movements, including religion.

If you die and enough people are watching, then you become a martyr, you become a hero, you become well-known.

I can remember games where the crowd was the reason we won it. It's well known the Kings have incredible fans.

I often wonder whether Negroes like myself who are pretty well known help out at all in breaking down barriers.

I saw footage of a well-known pastor holding a Bible and saying, "This book says homosexuals should be killed."

Encourage and listen well to the words of your subordinates. It is well known that gold lies hidden underground.

Ultimately the presence of other well known players is driving us to build a more compelling, innovative product.

It is well known that in war, the first casualty is truth - that during any war truth is forsaken for propaganda.

I came to Leverkusen as a very young player and didn't have many Bundesliga games back then. I wasn't well known.

Most of the well-known American feminists of the 19th century did not come out against the institution of marriage.

There is nothing so well known as that we should not expect something for nothing - but we all do and call it Hope.

Things don't get better when you become well known or go on TV. I'm just being rejected by a better class of women.

Perhaps our own opposition to even the level of European integration we have now, let alone any more, is well known.

In science, new ideas are at first completely neglected, later fiercely attacked, and finally regarded as well known.

Hillary Clinton has her own issues with just her own arrogance as a leader; that has been well known for a long time.

It is well known I prefer to play through the middle, so when I get my opportunity, I just want to show what I can do.

It's exciting to originate Jessica Jones. There's obviously more freedom in that versus playing a well known character.

The concept of industry domination of regulatory agencies was well known and documented in the literature by the 1960s.

I have a lot of notoriety now because of the Stormy Daniels case. I was less well known before outside of legal circles.

Even though I've been reasonably well known for quite a long time, I still can't get a record on daytime radio or on MTV.

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