There are no shortcut to losing weight. Just hard work and dedication, hard work and dedication.

Knowledge may give weight, but accomplishments give lustre, and many more people see than weigh.

It required 85 parts by weight of oxygen and 15 parts of hydrogen to compose 100 parts of water.

I've lost some weight. I am on that new Obama diet. Every day I let Vladimir Putin eat my lunch.

Statistically, skinny women die younger than fat women. Why? Because fat women are killing them.

People who are in a position of power like to throw their weight around, and that becomes abuse.

And it has some weight, I mean, the whole history of the gargoyles, that's some wonderful stuff.

Wings are freedom only when they are wide open in flight. On one's back they are a heavy weight.

It was always my desire to strike new ground and help to lend weight where it was most required.

Early on when I started talking about my weight, it was self-deprecating; everything was a joke.

The better question to ask yourself is: How to correct your diet so you can start losing weight?

Food is the essential thing to gaining weight. Protein, you know, that's basically it - protein.

I don't normally look like a twig and I do eat like a pig but the weight has just dropped off me.

Anything you do to lose weight should be as easy as it can possibly be and still deliver results.

[on having to lose weight] I thought I'll drink vodka instead of wine because it's less calories!

Paris is a place in which we can forget ourselves, reinvent, expunge the dead weight of our past.

I think as we get older, we need a little weight on us to fill us out and make us look healthier.

You cannot just work out and then eat poorly and expect to lose weight. It doesn’t work that way.

If God had wanted me to lose weight he would have made sure there was creamed spinach for dessert.

I spend around three hours on the track and two hours in the weight room, five or six days a week.

I suppose I am one of those lucky people who eats what they like and doesn't gain too much weight.

I love roles where I am required to prepare physically. And it's fun putting on weight and eating.

When we die, no one remembers us for what we weighed. Our weight isn't etched into our headstones.

My whole thing with the whole weight situation is - it is what it is. It's never been my identity.

The weight is off my shoulders. I don't live in the past anymore. I look forward, instead of back.

I eat healthily because that's the way I prefer to eat, and I'm sure it helps keep the weight off.

The ecosystem of our world is a closed system: it would run out of gas, collapse of its own weight.

The hurt is not enough: I long for weight and strength. To feel the earth as rough to all my length

The Scriptures of God are my only foundation and substance in all matters of weight and importance.

One of the burdens of being a black male is carrying the heavy weight of other people’s suspicions.

Barley, where it succeeds, yields a larger weight of feed per acre than any other small grain crop.

Every word I say has chains round its ankles; every thought I think is weighted with heavy weights.

The weight of the world is love. Under the burden of solitude, under the burden of dissatisfaction.

To be innocent is to bear the weight of the entire universe. It is to throw away the counterweight.

The sum of all the things we shouldn't have done in our lives is enough to kill us with the weight.

My weight fluctuated when I was 30, and I did the unthinkable - I stepped out as a plus-sized model.

Alone, he must bear the weight of a sin he dare not confess to the one person he loves…and has lost.

I never have a problem with the weight cut. My number one enemy is injuries because I train so hard.

When a 140 pounder that moves up fights a 140 pounder moved up and they move up it's a catch weight.

A broken fortune is like a falling column; the lower it sinks, the greater weight it has to sustain.

I don't like hearing that I've lost weight. I like hearing that it looks like I have gained weight?!

We get death threats, kidnapping threats. The press criticizes my weight. It's just the English way.

No insect hangs its nest on threads as frail as those which will sustain the weight of human vanity.

If I like myself at this weight, then this is what I'm going to be. I don't have an eating disorder.

You don’t free yourself from duty by running away. That only increases the weight on your shoulders.

Rome is a place almost worn out by being looked at, a city collapsing under the weight of reference.

I get so busy that I forget to eat, and that's really hurt me in the past. I gained weight from that.

Obviously everyone's weight fluctuates. But I'm focusing on working out and watching what I'm eating.

Nothing is perfect. Therefore, being perfect is being nothing… and that's a great way to lose weight.

When you carry the WEIGHT of yesterday, it will ruin the POWER of today and the PROGRESS of tomorrow.

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