I was fed up with not being able to play a movie the way I wanted to play it.

The only way to keep a broken vessel full is to keep it always under the tap.

All my art is in some way about other art, even if the other art is cartoons.

You don't hate history, you hate the way it was taught to you in high school.

I don't really act. I say the words the way I would say them if I meant them.

I try to never be satisfied; this way I will always be challenging my spirit.

There's a lot of laughing on a horror movie set. They're magical in that way.

It was a pity thoughts always ran the easiest way, like water in old ditches.

Filmmaking is just a very luxurious and efficient way of expressing yourself.

That didn’t happen, of course. Things never happened the way I imagined them.

I guess I'm way too kind and generous, and a saint - if you can believe that!

No writing is good that does not tend to better mankind in some way or other.

I used to think the only way to be truly alive is to confront your mortality.

I don't like the way my hair looks, so we're going to do the whole show over.

I have wit in my work and a sense of humor, but I do not use irony in any way

We are losing our own capacity because we are poisoned in one way or another.

Climate change isnʼt a distant threat. Itʼs already changing the way we live.

Be Shameless. Experiment. This is the only way to identify your true passion.

You are a cosmic happening rooted in a local event, NOT the other way around.

Nature's way is simple and easy, but men prefer the intricate and artificial.

Yep.” Eloquence ’R’ Us. When in trouble, keep it monosyllabic—safer that way.

When people don't like the way a play ends, they're likely to blame the play.

The digital camera has given me total freedom and a different way of filming.

What can you pay for the way a man lives? What can you pay for what a man is?

During the '70s I was interested in words and meaning as a way of making art.

Freedom is a condition of mind, and the best way to secure it is to breed it.

She paused. That's just my way of saying I would've killed you if you'd died.

The easiest way to stay awake during an after-dinner speech is to deliver it.

If you believe that saying no will get you shot, well, what a fine way to go.

Irreverence is a way of playing hooky and remaining present at the same time.

In life, you're along for the ride either way. You might as well make it fun!

In many ways, being pregnant and working were more difficult than motherhood.

First is first. That's the way I was brought up. Second or third are nowhere.

I might have become a minor celebrity but royalty checks were a long way off.

The art of surrender is the art of getting out of the way of your own growth.

While prosperity is in some ways related to money, it is not caused by money.

If you aren't happy with yourself, find a way to be victorious over yourself.

Christians must deplore unfair and deprecating barbs regularly aimed our way.

There are many ways to the recognition of truth, and Burgundy is one of them.

I remember so many girls when I was growing up who hated the way they looked.

Stop crying; stand up and look around you; there is always a way out in life!

Poetry has a way of teaching one what one needs to know ... if one is honest.

I find that your basic Internet chat board is way too vitriolic for my taste.

Doing it your own way, not having to go exactly by the book to be successful.

Live rich, die poor; never make the mistake of doing it the other way 'round.

It's no use growing older if you only learn new ways of misbehaving yourself.

Race should be seen in one way, and one way only: on your marks, get set, go!

If you're not bruised up, then you're not doing an action film in a real way.

I like rhythmic things that butt up against each other in a cool kind of way.

The way I change my life is to act as if I am the person I really want to be.

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